Effect on transformation and genome-editing
(positive rates) efficiencies
when the length and position of the RF are modified. Transformation
efficiency and positive rate in relation to the length and position
of the RF. Shown are the transformation efficiencies [cfu (2 μg
DNA)−1] for the CRISPR/LbCas12a pMM002P-derived
plasmids that were used to transform M. maripaludis. (a) CRISPR/LbCas12a plasmid p002-218, in which the lengths of the
homology arms flanking the RF are 250, 500, and 1000 bp (p002-218-L250,
p002-218-L500, and p002-218-L1000, respectively). The distance from
the RF to DSB for all plasmids is ∼25 bp. (b) CRISPR/LbCas12a
plasmid p002-218 with 1000 bp homologous arms, in which the distance
between the RF and the DSB is ∼25, ∼500, and ∼1000
bp (p002-218-L1000, p002-218-D500, and p002-218-D1000, respectively).
p002-218 without the RF is included as a control. Error bars represent
the standard deviation of the values obtained for the transformation
efficiency (n = 3). Positive rates representing the
fraction of correctly edited colonies per colonies tested by PCR are
shown for all plasmid transformations (numbers above bars).