Table 2.
Complaints issues analyzed by HCAT(GP) (years 2017–2019).
HCAT(GP) sections | N (%) issues (total n = 432) | |
Stages of care | ||
1. Accessing care | 72 (17%) | |
2. In the practice | 25 (6%) | |
3. During the consultation | 208 (48%) | |
4. Follow-up/referral | 59 (14%) | |
5. Other | 45 (10%) | |
Multiple stages | 23 (5%) | |
Severity | ||
1. Low | 89 (21%) | |
2. Medium | 178 (41%) | |
3. High | 165 (38%) | |
Domains Categories |
Example issues within categories | |
Clinical domain | 139 (32%) | |
Quality | 89 (21%) | Not conducting assessment of patient |
Safety | 50 (12%) | Misdiagnosis of appendicitis |
Relationship domain | 174 (40%) | |
Listening | 45 (10%) | Parent input on child illness ignored |
Communication | 27 (6%) | Blood test results not received by patient |
Respect and patient rights | 102 (24%) | Verbal assault of patient |
Management domain | 119 (28%) | |
Environment | 14 (3%) | Surgery not accessible by wheelchair user |
Institutional processes | 105 (24%) | Patient not able to register with GP |
Harm | N (%) (total n = 230) | Example harm |
0. No harm reported | 115 (50%) | — |
1. Minimal | 57 (25%) | Complainant upset |
2. Minor | 22 (10%) | Patient experienced stress and anxiety |
3. Moderate | 14 (6%) | Short term recovery impacted |
4. Major | 6 (2%) | Patient developed post traumatic stress disorder |
5. Catastrophic | 16 (7%) | Patient died |