Table 1.
Questions that participants will be asked to understand engagement with video interventions
Helpfulness of the video (rated on a 7-point Numeric Rating Scale) |
Engagement with the video (Yes/No) |
Experience of watching the video (Open-ended) |
Overall, did you find this video helpful, with a range from 0=not at all helpful to 6=extremely helpful | Did you like the video? | If any, what aspects were unclear to you? |
The information in the video was relevant to me, with a range from 0=not at all relevant to 6=extremely relevant | If you noticed this video in your social media feed, would you view it? If you viewed this video on your feed or timeline would ‘like’ it? If you saw this video on your feed or timeline would share or re-tweet it? |
What new things did you learn? |
How much of the information in the video was NEW information for you, with a range from 0=no new information 6=great deal of new information | After watching the video, are you any less likely to request imaging (eg, X ray or MRI) for back pain? | What did you dislike? |
Do you think the information in the video was true with a range from 0=not at all true to 6=completely true | Were any parts of the video unclear or didn’t make sense? | How did this video make you feel about your back pain? (ie, what emotions did you experience while watching the video?) |