Comparison of gene expression in wild and laboratory zebrafish acclimated to temperatures from 10 °C to 36 °C. Heat shock protein (hsp) expression (A–F): hsp70 and hsp90 in the muscle (A and D), liver (B and E), and brain (C and F). Statistical model results indicated on each panel: Temp, effect of temperature on expression; Pop, difference between wild (light green circles) and laboratory (blue triangles) fish (at 23 °C); Pop × Temp, interaction. (G) Heatmap showing the difference in muscle gene expression (log transformed) between wild and laboratory zebrafish. Genes are grouped by functional groups and colors represent relative expression within these groups where green shows a higher expression in wild fish and blue a higher expression in laboratory fish. White illustrates no difference. Grey illustrates not analyzed. Full gene names and functions can be found in SI Appendix, Table S3.