Figure 1. SKAP increases kinetochore mobility and is essential for sister kinetochore coordination in metaphase.
(A) Simplified representation of metaphase chromosome oscillations. Force from depolymerizing microtubules (purple) at the front kinetochore drives movement of both sisters. Frictional force at the back kinetochore, bound to polymerizing microtubules (pink), opposes movement. (B) Representative live images (left) of a control and siSKAP metaphase Rpe1-GFP cell (GFP-CenpA and centrin1-GFP) with red boxes highlighting regions used for kymographs (right) of centriole and kinetochore movements for those cells. (C) Standard deviation of the position of individual control and siSKAP metaphase kinetochores over time (Mann-Whitney test). (D) Average speed of individual control and siSKAP metaphase kinetochores (Mann-Whitney test). (E) Velocity correlation between metaphase sister kinetochores (Mann-Whitney test). (F) Fraction of time individual metaphase sister kinetochores move in opposite directions (Mann-Whitney test). (G) Fraction of metaphase directional switches in which the front or back kinetochore switches first, or both switch together (Fisher’s exact test) (ns=number of switches). (C-G) from individual kinetochore tracks obtained from the dataset as (B) (n=number of kinetochore pairs, 1–4 kinetochore pairs per analyzed cell from 18 control and 20 siSKAP cells). See also Figure S1, Videos S1-2.