A) Visualization of fly courtship live-frames with t-SNE dimension reduction. Each dot was colored based on human annotations. Points representing non-interactive behaviors (‘others’), chasing, wing extension, copulation attempt, and copulation were colored with red, yellow, green, blue, and violet, respectively. Same as
Figure 3A. (
B) Fly skeletons were semi-automated labeled, and three features were used in the following panels. Five body parts were marked with points, including head, tail, thorax, wings, and head to tail, thorax to wings were linked by lines. Females were indicated by blue color and males were indicated by orange color. Three features were male head to female tail distance, male thorax to chamber center, and the angle between male wings, which were indicated in violet. (
C) Male wing angles were visualized on the t-SNE map same as panel A. Frames of wing extension behaviors in the red box were of relatively smaller wing angles than those in the orange box. Some examples from these two groups were exhibited on the right, with their angle values below each image. (
D) Male head to female tail distances were visualized on the t-SNE map same as panel A. Frames of wing extension behaviors in the red box were of relatively shorter distance than those in the orange and violet boxes. Some examples from these three groups were exhibited on the right, with their distance values below each image. (
E) Male thorax to chamber center distances were visualized on the t-SNE map same as panel A. Frames of chasing behaviors in the violet box were of relatively shorter distance than those in the orange box. Some examples from these two groups were exhibited on the right, with their distance values below each image.