Table 4.
The variable names and number of observations for each patient data file in Health_Data. More details about the variables can be found in Sleep_Study_Data_File_Format.pdf in the same folder.
File name | Variable names | Rows |
DEMOGRAPHIC.csv | study pat ID, birth date, pcori gender cd, pcori race cd, pcori hispanic cd, gender descr, race descr, ethnicity descr, language descr, peds gest age num weeks, peds gest age num days | 3,673 |
SLEEP_STUDY.csv | study pat ID, sleep study ID, sleep study start datetime, sleep study duration datetime, age at sleep study days | 3,984 |
SLEEP_ENC_ID.csv | study pat ID, sleep study ID, study enc ID | 3,964 |
ENCOUNTER.csv | study enc ID, study pat ID, encounter date, visit start datetime, visit end datetime, adt arrival datetime, ed departure datetime, encounter type, visit type cd, visit type descr, ICU visit Y/N, prov ID, prov type, dept ID, dept specialty, admit source, hosp admit source, discharge disposition, discharge destination, drg code, drg name, visit reason | 495,138 |
MEDICATION.csv | study med ID, study enc ID, study pat ID, med start datetime, med end datetime, med order datetime, med taken datetime, med source type, quantity, days supply, frequency, effective drug dose, eff drug dose source value, drug dose unit, refills, RxNorm code, RxNorm term type, medication descr, generic drug descr, drug order status, drug action, route, route source value, prescribing prov ID, pharm class, pharm subclass, thera class, thera subclass | 3,035,986 |
MEASUREMENT.csv | study meas ID, study pat ID, study enc ID, meas recorded datetime, meas type, meas value number, meas value text, meas source, study prov ID | 332,569 |
DIAGNOSIS.csv | study dx ID, study enc ID, study pat ID, dx start datetime, dx end datetime, dx source type, dx enc type, dx code type, dx code, dx name, dx alt code, class of problem, chronic Y/N, prov ID | 1,513,853 |
PROCEDURE.csv | study proc ID, study pat ID, study enc ID, procedure datetime, study prov ID, proc ID NCH, proc code, proc code type, proc descr | 283,599 |
PROCEDURE_SURG_HX.csv | study surghx ID, study pat ID, proc noted date, proc start time, proc end time, proc code, cpt code, proc descr | 10,190 |