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. 2022 Jul 6;16:725715. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2022.725715

Table 3.

BCI task performance summary.

graphic file with name fnhum-16-725715-i0002.jpg

Total change represents the difference from session 2 to the participant's final BCI intervention session. Session 1 was used partly to allow subjects to become familiar with the intervention and attention to performance was not required of the participants. X/10 indicates the average number of ‘hits' per run of the BCI task with 10 as the maximum score. Number of runs per session was determined by the number of runs completed during the allotted intervention time (2 hours); the number of runs per session for Participants A, B, and C ranged from 7 to 50. These data are representative of exemplar BCI-FES participants and is not intended as evidence of efficacy of this device in these participants.