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[Preprint]. 2022 Jul 10:2022.07.09.22277457. [Version 1] doi: 10.1101/2022.07.09.22277457

Table 2.

Individual participant characteristics

Completed, N = 3,0811 Withdrawn, N = 2,5171 Overall, N = 5,5981 p-value2
Age (Participants < 20 Years) 10.0 (6.0, 14.0) 11.0 (7.0, 14.0) 10.0 (6.0, 14.0) <0.001
Age (Participants 21 and Older) 40 (36, 46) 39 (34, 45) 40 (35, 45) <0.001
Sex (Participants Less Than 20 Years) 0.561
 Male 834 (52%) 698 (52%) 1,532 (52%)
 Female 756 (47%) 651 (48%) 1,407 (48%)
 Other 7 (0.4%) 3 (0.2%) 10 (0.3%)
Sex (Participants 21 and Older) <0.001
 Female 1,011 (68%) 899 (77%) 1,910 (72%)
 Male 468 (32%) 264 (23%) 732 (28%)
 Other 4 (0.3%) 0 (0%) 4 (0.2%)
Race <0.001
 White or Caucasian 2,137 (69%) 1,100 (44%) 3,237 (58%)
 Black or African American 518 (17%) 1,071 (43%) 1,589 (28%)
 Prefer Not to Answer 197 (6.4%) 199 (7.9%) 396 (7.1%)
 More than One Race 128 (4.2%) 101 (4.0%) 229 (4.1%)
 Asian 69 (2.2%) 21 (0.8%) 90 (1.6%)
 American Indian or Alaska Native 26 (0.8%) 20 (0.8%) 46 (0.8%)
 Other 6 (0.2%) 5 (0.2%) 11 (0.2%)
Ethnicity 0.038
 Non-Hispanic 2,669 (87%) 2,132 (85%) 4,801 (86%)
 Hispanic 353 (11%) 312 (12%) 665 (12%)
 Prefer Not to Answer 58 (1.9%) 71 (2.8%) 129 (2.3%)
 Other 1 (<0.1%) 2 (<0.1%) 3 (<0.1%)

Median (IQ.R); n (%)


Wilcoxon rank sum test; Fisher’s Exact Test for Count Data with simulated p-value (based on 2000 replicates)