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. 2021 Nov 16;63(8):e22210. doi: 10.1002/dev.22210


Summary of literature on the effect of neonatal procedural pain on adult anxiety

Model Controls Species Time of modulation Time of testing Behavioral test Outcome a References
RNP (4 NPs in left hind paw)


Rats P0–P7 Adult (P56) OFT, EZM

↑ time in open arms

No effect on open arm entries, head dips, time in center and center crossings

This study
RNP (4 NPs balanced over all paws) TC, UC Rats P0–P7 Adult (P100) OFT, EPM

No effect on time in center or center entries

time in open arms

Page et al. (2005)
RNP (10 NPs balanced over all paws) TC, handling Mice P1–P6 Adult (P60) OFT, EPM No effect on time spend in center or time in open arms Ranger et al. (2014)
RNP (4 NPs in left hind paw) TC, UC Rats P1–P7 P24–P25 EPM

time in open arms

No effect on (open) arm entries

Zuke et al. (2019)
RNP (2 NPs on front and hind paw) Sham Mice P8–P14 P30 EPM

↓ open arm entries

↓ time in open arms

↓ head dips

stretch attend postures

Schellinck et al. (2003)
RNP (4 NPs balanced over all paws) TC Rats P0–P7 P24, P87 OFT

distance in center at P24 and P86

center entries at P24

time in center at P24 and P87

total entries at P87

Chen et al. (2016)
RNP (8 NPs on P1, 6 NPs on P2, 4 NPs on P3, 2 pokes on P4, balanced over all paws) TC, touch & isolation, UC Rats P1–P4 Adult (P80) OFT No effect on distance travelled, time in center or center entries Mooney‐Leber and Brummelte (2020)
RNP (4 NPs in left hind paw) TC, UC Rats P1–P7 P24, P45 and P66 Fear conditioning ↓ Auditory fear conditioning Davis et al. (2018)
RNP (4 NPs, balanced over all paws) TC Rats P0–P7 Adult (P65) DWT

latency to exit

time in PVC tube

No effect on open field entries

Anand et al. (1999)

NP animals versus control animals.

Abbreviations: DWT, defensive withdrawal testing; EPM, elevated plus maze; EZM, elevated zero maze; NPs, needle pricks; OFT, open field test; P, postnatal day; RNP, repetitive needle pricking; SD, Sprague‐Dawley; TC, tactile and handled control; UC, undisturbed or unhandled controls.