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. 2021 Nov 26;88(5):2052–2064. doi: 10.1111/bcp.15123


Parameter estimates values (relative standard error %) of the best joint final model

Parameter estimates Relative standard error (%) Shrinkage (%) P value Wald test
Fixed effects
Longitudinal submodel
M0 (g/L) 17 3.33 2.9
β1 ~ ALBN −1.41 15.8 2.34E‐10
β2 ~ B2MG 0.331 17 3.88E‐09
KL (d−1) 0.00627 8.4 23.5
β3 ~ non_IgG 0.55 27.5 0.000277
KDi (L mol−1 d−1) 0.0138 8.73 69
Ri (day−1) 0.00579 14.6 61.5
KDpd (L mol−1 d−1) 0.188 7.36 24.1
Rpd (d−1) 0.00952 10.6 34
Survival submodel
Te (d−1) 459 11.9
S 2.33 9.75
β4 ~ PCYTOMA = Y 0.858 36.3 0.00591
β5 ~ SlopeM 11.9 7.66 4.46E‐39
Interindividual variability standard deviation
ω_M0 50.5 4.73
ω _KL 88.7 6.76
ω _KDi 61.9 9.7
ω _Ri 105 9.76
ω _KDpd 92 6.81
ω _Rpd 110 9.33
Residual variability
σ additive (g/L) 0.411 7.23
σ proportional (%) 15 3.65

Abbreviations: ALBN, baseline serum albumin normalized to the upper limit value; B2MG, baseline β2‐microglobulin; M0, serum M‐protein at baseline, PCYTOMA, Y, presence of plasmacytomas.