Table 2.
Overview of the included studies.
Author/s and reference number | Publication type | Countries | Objective (s) | Study design | Study population | Distribution of themes over included articles | REC/IRB approvalg |
Abegaz et al. (26) | Original research article | Ethiopia | Assess potentially inappropriate prescriptions and associated factors in the older people with cardiovascular disorders using the START/STOPP screening criteria. | Cross-sectional study using a structured questionnaire | 239 Older patients aged 65 years or older with cardiovascular disorders | Medical errors | Yes |
Ajwang et al. (27) | Original research article | Uganda | Explore the geriatrics continuing education needs of health care providers (HCPs) working in rural Uganda | Quantitative study using a self-administered questionnaire | 240 Health care professionals working with older adults aged 60 and above | Inaccessibility of health care services | Yes |
Allain et al. (28) | Original research article | Zimbabwe | Record the prevalence of disability (impairment of activities of daily living), subjective morbidity (symptoms), the social circumstances and the utilization of health services in a group of older Zimbabweans. | Cross-sectional community survey | 278 Older people aged 60 and above | Inaccessibility of health care services; lack of government attention to older persons | Yes |
Chane and Adamek (29) | Original research article | Ethiopia | Examine the types and nature of abuse and neglect from the perspective of elders in Ethiopia who experienced abuse in non-institutional settings | Qualitative phenomenological study using interviews | 15 Older people aged 64 and above | Mistreatment and victimization; lack of government attention to older persons | Not reportedf |
Chane and Adamek (30) | Original research article | Ethiopia | Increase understanding of elder abuse in Ethiopia by considering the perspectives of abused elders. | Qualitative phenomenological study using interviews | 15 Older people aged 64 and above | Loneliness and isolation; mistreatment and victimization; lack of government attention to older persons | Not reported |
Dhemba (31) | Literature review | Zimbabwe | Explore the factors associated with the syndrome of poverty in old age in developing countries in general and Zimbabwe in particular. | A review of theoretical and empirical literature including policy documents | Older people aged 60 and abovee | Lack of government attention to older persons | Not applicable |
Getachew et al. (32) | Original research article | Ethiopia | Assess the prevalence of inappropriate prescribing of antithrombotic therapy in hospitalized older patients. | Retrospective cross-sectional study using review of patients' medical records | 156 Hospitalized older patients aged 65 and above | Medical errors | Yes |
Golaz and Rutaremwa (33) | Original research article | Uganda | Contribute to the understanding of vulnerability among the older population by using a major data source – the population census – and provide basic results concerning the vulnerability of older people for the case of Uganda. | Review of national census data. | Older people aged 60 and above e | Inaccessibility of health care services; lack of government attention to older persons; gender inequalities in old age | Not reported |
Golaz et al. (34) | Original research article | Uganda | Understand vulnerability among older adults in Uganda. | Qualitative study using in-depth interviews | Older persons aged 60 and above and their relatives (83 participants in totalb) | Loneliness and isolation; inaccessibility of health care services; lack of government attention to older persons | Yes |
Kakongi et al. (35) | Original research article | Uganda | Explore pathways to hospital care for patients with Alzheimer's disease and related dementias, and describe challenges experienced by the patients and their families while seeking health care. | Qualitative study using in-depth interviews | 30 Caregivers of older adults aged 60 and above who were diagnosed with dementia | Inaccessibility of health care services | Yes |
Kibuga and Dianga (36) | Original research article | Tanzania | Examine reasons for the killing of older women suspected of being witches. | Qualitative study using individual interviews and group discussions | Older persons aged 60 and above; caregivers and the families of older persons aged 60 and above; younger persons; village government leaders and religious leaders; traditional healers and birth attendants; and professionals (teachers, medical practitioners, etc)a | Loneliness and isolation; mistreatment and victimization; inaccessibility of health care services; lack of government attention to older persons; gender inequalities in old age | Not reported |
Malambo and Marais (37) | Original research article | Zambia | Identify the barriers to the utilization of physiotherapy services among older people in Zambia. | A quantitative cross-sectional study using a self-administered questionnaire | 200 Older adults aged 60 and above | Mistreatment and victimization; inaccessibility of health care services | Not reported |
Mapoma and Masaiti (38) | Original research article | Zambia | Investigate the extent to which social-demographic variables impact risk factors associated with social isolation among older people in Zambia. | Quantitative study using a structured questionnaire | 690 older people aged 60 and above | Loneliness and isolation; gender inequalities in old age | Not reported |
Mushi et al. (39) | Original research article | Tanzania | Examine the socio-cultural beliefs surrounding dementia and the life experience of people with dementia and their caregivers in the Hai District of Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. | Cross-sectional qualitative design using in-depth interviews | 41 Participants in total: 25 older people aged 70 and above with dementia and 16 caregivers | Lack of government attention to older persons | Yes |
Nzabona et al. (40) | Original research article | Uganda | Investigate prevalence and correlates of feeling lonely among older persons. | Mixed methods study using an interviewer-administered questionnaire, focus group discussions, and individual interviews | 697 Participants in total: 685 older persons (60 and above) and 12 key informants | Loneliness and isolation | Yes |
Richards et al. (41) | Original research article | Uganda | Explore how women's and men's gendered experiences from childhood to old age have shaped their vulnerability in relation to HIV both in terms of their individual risk of HIV and their access to and experiences of HIV services. | Qualitative study using in-depth interviews and focus group discussions | 38 Participants in total: 31 older persons aged 60 and above and 7 key informants (including local leaders and health workers) | Loneliness and isolation; mistreatment and victimization; inaccessibility of health care services; lack of government attention to older persons; gender inequalities in old age | Yes |
Sadruddin (42) | Original research article | Rwanda | Explore how older Rwandans from different ethnic and gender groups provide and receive care from each other in the wake of sweeping social, economic, and demographic transformations post-genocide. | Ethnographic study using interviews and field observation | Older people aged 60 and above, caregivers, healthcare professionals, government officials, and local academicsa | Loneliness and isolation; lack of government attention to older persons; gender inequalities in old age | Yes |
Schatz et al. (43) | Original research article | Uganda | Explore the factors that cause older Ugandans (60+) to delay seeking, reaching and acquiring health care. | Qualitative study using interviews and focus group discussions | Older people aged 60 and above and key informants (health care providers and community leaders)d | Mistreatment and victimization; inaccessibility of health care services; lack of government attention to older persons; gender inequalities in old age | Not reported |
Tam and Yap (3) | Original research article | Uganda | Examine the multidimensional challenges that an older woman with HIV in rural Uganda faces, and make contextualized policy recommendations for older adults in Africa. | Case study | One 70-year-old widow diagnosed with HIV | Loneliness and isolation; inaccessibility of health care services; gender inequalities in old age | Yes |
Tegegn et al. (44) | Original research article | Ethiopia | Assess the medication-related quality of life (MRQOL) among older patients with polypharmacy at Gondar University Hospital, Gondar, Ethiopia. | Cross-sectional quantitative survey | 150 Older patients aged 65 and above | Inaccessibility of health care services | Yes |
Teka and Adamek (10) | Original research article | Ethiopia | Examine staff and resident perceptions of the psychosocial needs of elders in institutional care in Ethiopia and current efforts to provide psychosocial support. | Qualitative study using document review, field observation, interviews, and focus group discussions | 29 Participants in total: 24 older adults aged 60 and above and 5 key informants (staff at the institution) | Loneliness and isolation; inaccessibility of health care services | Not reportedc |
Waweru et al. (45) | Original research article | Kenya | Determine the health status and the health-seeking behavior of older people. | Mixed study: descriptive cross-sectional methods using questionnaires and qualitative methods using focus groups discussions | 400 Older persons aged 65 and above | Inaccessibility of health care services; lack of government attention to older persons | Not reported |
Wright Set al. (46) | Original research article | Uganda | Explore despondency and psychological the wellbeing of older people. | Qualitative study using interviews | 26 HIV-positive older persons aged 60 and above | Loneliness and isolation; mistreatment and victimization; lack of government attention to older persons; gender inequalities in old age | Yes |
Zelalem et al. (47) | Original research article | Ethiopia | Explore experiences of family support among older adults in agrarian communities with a focus on filial responsibility expectations and intergenerational relations. | Qualitative phenomenological study using in-depth interviews | 10 Older people aged 70 and above | Loneliness and isolation; mistreatment and victimization; lack of government attention to older persons; gender inequalities in old age | Yes |
aThe study does not provide information regarding the number of participants.
bThe study does not specify the number of participants from each participant group separately.
cThe authors obtained a support letter from local authorities (Oromiya Labor and Social Affairs Office) to conduct the study. However, no information is given if this letter was obtained after an ethical review.
dThe study does not clearly mention the number of participants. However, it notes that each of the nine focus group discussions had seven or eight participants. Moreover, it mentions that nine interviews were conducted with health care workers and community leaders.
eThe review focuses on people aged 60 years and older. However, there is no further information about this population group except that data were taken from the national census.
fThe study does not clearly state if ethical approval was obtained. But it generally mentions that it followed ethical procedures to protect participants.
gThis column is used to indicate whether the study obtained ethical clearance from the relevant REC (research ethics committee) or IRB (institutional review board).