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. 2021 Nov 18;30(2):455–462. doi: 10.1111/jonm.13506


The structure of the sessions and the content of psychological group counselling intervention

Session Theme Target Procedure Homework
Session 1 Ice breaking action, self‐awareness Members know each other, trust each other, and guide members to find their own advantages

1. Self‐introduction: Pine moving,

2. Build a team and set sail: Stand together through storm and stress

3. Advantage evaluation: Self portrait

Write a blessing for the team and use your strengths to accomplish one thing
Session 2 Recognize the pressure and speak out Recognize that pressure is common, and be good at telling it bravely

1. Pressure ring

2. Speak out the pressure bravely

3. Facilitator summary

Write down the things that have put pressure on you recently and how you deal with it
Session 3 Control pressure and work happily Learn how to decompress and discover your potential

1. Share the moment of glory

2. Psychological yoga

3. Stress management training

Use stress management training to relieve the stress caused by one thing
Session 4 Barrier free communication, being grateful Establish a good interpersonal relationship and establish the belief of being grateful for life and returning to the society

1. Golden idea

2. Memories moved

3. Thanksgiving blessing

Write a letter of gratitude
Session 5 Harmony between you and me, towards the future Think and plan for the future

1. Wisdom relay

2. Time pizza

3. Unsent letter

Develop future plans