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. 2021 Nov 16;91(1):101–116. doi: 10.1002/ana.26256


Epilepsy Features of the Patient Cohort

Case Epilepsy Type; Age at Onset Seizure Frequency Antiseizure Medication; Outcome Sodium Channel Blocker Brain MRI EEG/sEEG
1 a SHE; 7 yr NA Low dosage of CBZ (recurrence after withdrawal); good outcome Yes Negative (1.5T) Interictal EEG: normal
2 a SHE; 12 yr 4–10 sz/yr TPM + LTG, CBZ added at 44, sz‐free for 8 mo before SUDEP Yes Negative EEG: bifrontal epileptic activity
3 SHE; 5 yr Several sz/night several days per week CBZ, LEV Yes Negative (1.5T) Interictal EEG: normal; sEEG: right insula onset
4 SHE; 4 yr 1 nocturnal convulsive sz/month CLB, OXC, PER; drug‐resistant Yes Negative Ictal EEG: right frontocentral seizure
5 FLE (operated at 18 yr: FCD 1); 3 yr 1 nocturnal convulsive sz/month LAC, CLB; drug‐resistant Yes Negative (1.5T) sEEG: right frontobasal and insular onset
6 FLE; 8 yr Monthly to weekly nocturnal focal frontal sz OXC, LTG, VPA, PER; drug‐resistant Yes Negative (1.5T) EEG: frontal epileptic activity
7 FLE (left frontal lobectomy, sz recurrence afterward); 11 yr 2 clusters of 2 focal to bilateral tonic–clonic sz/month VPA, LTG, PHE, rescue protocol with midazolam after the first sz; drug‐resistant Yes Negative (3T) EEG: left frontal lobe epilepsy; sEEG: left orbitofrontal lobe epilepsy
8 Focal epilepsy, localization unclear, 7 yr 2–4 focal to bilateral tonic–clonic sz/month, almost all arising from sleep LTG, TPM Yes Negative (3T) EEG (3 days VT): focal epilepsy, localization unclear (most likely left frontotemporal)
9 Focal epilepsy, left neocortical temporal onset; 4 yr 1–2 focal sz with or without impaired awareness every 2 weeks, rare focal to bilateral tonic–clonic sz LEV, VPA, clobazam No Negative (3T) EEG (VT): neocortical focal epilepsy, possible left lateral temporal region
10 FTE, lateralization unclear; 1 yr Brief blank spells 2–3 times per week; no focal to bilateral tonic–clonic sz VPA, LAC Yes Negative (3T) EEG (VT): interictal epileptiform discharges from both temporal regions
11 FTE; 7 yr No clear sz, but frequent syncopal episodes (most likely of autonomic origin) LTG Yes Mild cerebellar atrophy, small right parafalcine meningioma (3T) EEG: bitemporal interictal epileptiform activity, more prominent on the left
12 Focal epilepsy, left parietal onset; surgically resected FCD type 2; 7 yr sz‐free after lesionectomy LAC, PER, TPM, clobazam Yes Left parietal FCD (3T) Presurgical VT: ictal bradycardia down to 42 bpm
13 Focal epilepsy, left hemispheric onset; 11 yr 3–7 sz/week (30–40% focal to bilateral tonic–clonic sz; others: focal impaired awareness sz) OXC, TPM, rescue protocol with lorazepam and CLB Yes Negative (3T) VT: focal epilepsy, left hemispheric onset, localization unclear
14 Focal epilepsy; 10 yr sz‐free for 3 yr LEV, LTG, CBZ Yes Negative (3T) 24‐h ambulatory EEG (23 yr): normal
15 FTE, 27 yr sz‐free for the past 2 yr BRV, ZNS, pregabalin No Negative (3T) 24‐h ambulatory EEG: left temporal slow, no clear interictal epileptiform abnormalities
16 a Focal epilepsy; 7 yr 1 unprovoked nocturnal convulsive sz every 2–3 mo (but issues with medication compliance) OXC Yes Negative 24 h ambulatory EEG: bihemispheric cortical dysfunction, suggestive of multifocal irritative regions

Succumbed to SUDEP.

bpm = beats per minute; BRV = brivaracetam; CBZ = carbamazepine; CLB = clonazepam; EEG = electroencephalogram; FCD = focal cortical dysplasia; FLE = frontal lobe epilepsy; FTE = focal temporal epilepsy; LAC = lacosamide; LEV = levetiracetam; LTG = lamotrigine; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; NA = not available; OXC = oxcarbazepine; PER = perampanel; PHE = phenytoin; sEEG = stereotaxic EEG; SHE = sleep‐related hypermotor epilepsy; SUDEP = sudden unexpected death in epilepsy; sz = seizure(s); TPM = topiramate; VPA = valproate; VT = video telemetry; ZNS = zonisamide.