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. 2021 Nov 19;28(1):65–72. doi: 10.1111/hae.14456


Historical and pre‐ITI data of study patients

Data Variable All ITI population, n = 20
Historical Age at first exposure to FVIII, months 5.5 (1–12)
FVIII treatment duration, months 53 (24–139)
Treatment, n (%)
Prophylaxis 7 (35)
On demand 13 (65)
Historical peak titre, BU 41 (8–320)
Pre‐ITI Inhibitor titre at ITI start, BU 36.5 (12–169)
Age at ITI start, years 5 (3–12)
Inhibitor diagnosis to start of ITI, months 8.5 (.5–33)
Type of FVIII at inhibitor detection
Plasma‐derived 13 (65)
Recombinant 7 (35)
FVIII recovery, % 2 (1–4)

Results are shown as number of patients and percentage or median (range), as applicable.

Abbreviations: ABR, annual bleeding rate; FVIII, Factor VIII; ITI, immune tolerance induction.