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. 2021 Dec 16;150(7):1101–1112. doi: 10.1002/ijc.33878


Characteristics of children (0‐17 years) and AYAs (18‐39 years) diagnosed with AML in the Netherlands between 1990 and 2015

Characteristics Total Children (0‐17 years) AYAs (18‐39 years)
N % N % N % P (χ 2) a
Overall 2058 675 1383
Median age at diagnosis in years, IQR 26 21 6 12 31 11
Sex .001
Male 1040 50.5 377 55.9 663 47.9
Female 1018 49.5 298 44.2 720 52.1
Period of diagnosis .04
1990‐1999 833 40.5 247 36.6 586 42.4
2000‐2009 769 37.4 270 40.0 499 36.1
2010‐2015 456 22.2 158 23.4 298 21.6
Subtype <.001
APL 202 9.8 34 5.0 168 12.2
ML‐DS 28 1.4 28 4.2 0 0.0
Myeloid sarcoma 21 1.0 9 1.3 12 0.9
CBF leukemia: t(8;21) or inv(16)/t(16;16) b 174 8.5 95 14.1 79 5.7
AML other 1633 79.4 509 75.4 1124 81.3
Site of primary treatment <.001
Nonacademic hospital 346 16.8 51 7.6 295 21.4
Academic hospital 1711 83.2 624 92.4 1087 78.7
Chemo 1946 94.7 645 95.8 1301 94.1 .11
SCT 744 36.2 155 23.0 589 42.6 <.001

Notes: The % missing values was <1% for all variables included in this table. Statistically significant P values (P < .05) are displayed in bold.

Abbreviations: AML, acute myeloid leukemia; APL, acute promyelocytic leukemia; AYAs, adolescents and young adults; CBF, core‐binding factor; IQR, interquartile range; ML‐DS, myeloid leukemia associated with Down syndrome; SCT, stem cell transplantation.


Fisher's Exact test was used instead of Pearson's Χ 2 test when N ≤ 5 in one or more categories.


CBF leukemia was more consistently tested and registered as from 2001.