Figure 5. Thin localizes in close proximity to Dysbindin.
(A) Confocal maximum intensity projection of a representative neuromuscular junction (NMJ) branch (muscle 6–7) after presynaptic coexpression (elavc155-Gal4) of venus-tagged Dysbindin (UAS-venus-Dysbindin, ‘Dysbvenus’, green) and mCherry-tagged Thin (UAS-mCherry-thin, ‘ThinmCherry’, magenta) detected with anti-GFP and anti-DsRed, respectively. (B) Single plane of the synaptic bouton highlighted by the white square in (A) with corresponding line profile (right). The yellow line demarks the location of the line profile. (C) gSTED image of the synaptic bouton shown in (B) with corresponding line profile (right). Scale bar, A: 5 µm; B, C: 2 µm. Note the partial overlap between ThinmCherry and Dysbindinvenus at confocal and STED resolution. (D) Left: Schematic of nearest-neighbor (NND) analysis between ThinmCherry and Dysbindinvenus puncta at STED resolution. Right: ThinmCherry puncta (‘+’, maximum locations, see Materials and methods) and the NNDs and locations of Dysbindinvenus puncta (color code denotes NND) of a representative bouton. (E) Histogram of mean ThinmCherry − Dysbindinvenus NND per bouton of the recorded gSTED data (blue), or after randomized punctum distribution (gray, see Materials and methods). N = 10 NMJs, average n = 13 boutons per NMJ for data and simulations. Observed vs. randomized NNDs, p < 0.001; Student’s t-test.