A) Normalized maximal agonist-induced fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) change for metabotropic glutamate receptor 2 (mGluR2) N-terminal SNAP-tag (SNAP-m2), azi-cysteine-rich domain (azi-CRD), and azi-extracellular loop 2 (azi-ECL2) sensors. Data represents mean ± SEM of responses from individual cells from at least three independent experiments. Total number of cells examined for normalization experiments, mean max response, and errors are listed in
Table 2. (
B) Representative normalized live-cell FRET traces from DCG-IV,
LY379268, and (2R,4R)-APDC normalization experiments of azi-ECL2. Data is normalized to 1 mM glutamate response and collected at 4.5 s time resolution.