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. 2021 Dec 15;88(5):2035–2051. doi: 10.1111/bcp.15160


Study characteristics and CDSS description of the included studies

Authors Study setting Patients CDSS description CDSS input CDSS output
Arvisais et al. (2015) 26 Canada Hospital, all (except four) wards

n = 182 (200 patient‐days)

Mean age = 84

Female = 36%

Computerized alert system (CAS), used by pharmacists n = 5 geriatric explicit criteria by expert panel based on Beers criteria and prevalence Alerts (on HTML page), daily generated by database
Azaz‐Livshits et al. (1998) 46 Israel Hospital, medical ward

n = 150 patients

Mean age = NR

Female = 50%

ADR detection tool n = 14 ADR signals from laboratory data List of alerts
Buckley et al. (2018) 47 USA Hospital, ICU and general ward

n = 634 patients

Mean age = 60 non‐ICU, 59 ICU

Female = 7% non‐ICU, 42% ICU

DRHC triggers n = 20 unique trigger alerts Paper and electronic reports (webpage within hospital)
Cossette et al. (2019) 29 Canada Primary care

n = 369 patients

Mean age = 77

Female = 71%

Computerized alert system (CAS) n = 11 types of geriatric explicit criteria based on 2015 Beers and STOPP v2 criteria List of patients with PIMs and alert reasons
Dalton et al. (2020) 27 Ireland Hospital

n = 204 patients

Mean age = 77

Female = 49%

SENATOR software, PIM CDSS for physicians n = 111 recommendations based on STOPP/START v2 Report per patient on paper and per email
DiPoto et al. (2015) 43 USA Three hospitals, ICU and general ward

n = 623 patients

Mean age = 60 non‐ICU, 58 ICU

Female = 49% non‐ICU, 39% ICU

Automated surveillance trigger alerts for DRHCs n = 93 logic‐based trigger rules Alerts in centralized database
Dormann et al. (2000) 48 Germany Hospital, medical ward

n = 379 patients

Age = 51

Female = 35%

Computer‐based ADR monitoring system n = 20 automated laboratory signals Daily list of alerts with patient name, date of event
Eppenga et al. (2012) 44 Netherlands Hospital

n = 619 patients

Mean age = 53

Female = 54%

Two medication surveillance CDSSs: (1) Centrasys (iSOFT)

(2) Pharmaps advanced CDSS

n = NR

CDSS 1 = G‐standard (Dutch drug database), CDSS 2 = G‐standard + additional expert‐based rules

CDSS 1: Alerts at one point in time

CDSS 2: Generation of alerts once a day

Ferrández et al. (2017) 45 Spain Hospital

n = 17 878 patients

Mean age = 55

Female = 49%

DRP alert in pharmacy warning system, used by pharmacists n = 414 medications (7879 alerts), based on literature, selected by two pharmacists Extra line in pharmacy module. Alerts include patient, dose and recommendations
Fritz et al. (2012) 34 Switzerland Hospital, two general internal wards

n = 100 patients

Median age = 59

Female = 42%

Three medication surveillance CDSSs:

(1) Pharmavista

(2) DrugReax

(3) TheraOpt

NR Alerts
Garcia‐Caballero et al. (2018) 28 Spain Nursing home

n = 115 patients

Mean age = 79

Female = 62%

PIP screening (polimedication) n = NR, STOPP criteria Automated alerts
Hammar et al. (2015) 35 Sweden Two geriatric clinics, three primary care units

n = 254 patients

Mean age = 84

Female = 64%

Electronic expert support system (EES) for DRPs, used by physicians n = NR, DDIs based on Swedish databank Paper‐based reports with potential DRPs
Hedna et al. (2019) 24 Sweden Data from 110 outpatient clinics, 51 primary care units, 29 departments in three hospitals

n = 745

Mean age = 75

Female = 57%

PHARAO, risk scores for ADE n = 9 (p)ADE, algorithm, database of potential interactions Low, intermediate and high risk with advice
Hwang et al. (2008) 49 Korea Hospital, two ICUs, five general wards

n = 598 patients

Age = NR

Female = NR

ADE monitor, integrated in HIS n = 46, based on previously studied CDSS in literature, modified by panel List of alerts with report including medication, ADE, bed location
Ibáñez‐Garcia et al. (2019) 36 Spain Hospital

n = 25 449 admissions

Age = NR

Female = NR

ADE CDSS (HIGEA) n = 211 clinical rules based on bibliographic search, clinical practice, team Real‐time list of alerts
Jha et al. (1998) 50 USA Hospital, 9 units

n = 21 964 patient‐days

Age = NR

Female = NR

ADE monitor n = 52 ADE detection rules based on literature, study team List of alerts with report including name, bed, event, condition
Jha et al. (2008) 37 USA Hospital, 5 units

n = 2407 patients

Av. age = 74

Female = 53%

Dynamic pharmacovigilance n = NR, rule base, using combination of laboratory, medication, patient demographic data List of alerts
Levy et al. (1999) 51 Israel Hospital, medical ward

n = 192 patients

Age = ~75% > 60

Female = 47%

ADR detection tool n = NR, ADR signals from laboratory data (same tool as Azaz‐Livshits et al.) List of alerts
Miguel et al. (2013) 52 Portugal Hospital

n = 118 patients

Mean age = 60

Female = 41%

ADR detection tool, stand‐alone (patient data needs to be filled in by hand) n = 10 ADRs, selection drugs and ADRs based on hospital formulary, INFARMED, book Alerts with suggested ADRs and frequent ADR for prescribed drugs
Peterson et al. (2014) 25 USA Hospital, general medicine, orthopaedics, urology

n = 179 patients

Mean age = 72

Female = NR

PIM review dashboard n = NR, triggers based on Beers and STOPP criteria, anticholinergic risk scale, formulary List of patients with PIM(s) sorted by highest risk
Quintens et al. (2019) 30 Belgium Hospital

n = NR

Age = 47–74

Female = NR

Check of medication appropriateness (CMA) n = 78 clinical rules for PIMs, DRPs and ADEs based on literature and guidelines, selected by team Once a day generation of list of alerts on a worklist
Raschke et al. (1998) 38 USA Hospital, non‐obstetrical patients

n = 9306 admissions

Age = NR

Female = NR

ADE system n = 37 ADE rules defined by authors Alerts printed in pharmacy
Rommers et al. (2011) 31 Netherlands Hospital, general internal ward

n = NR

Age = NR

Female = NR

ADE alerting system (ADEAS), pharmacists n = 121 clinical expert‐based rules Every morning, list of alerts
Rommers et al. (2013) 39 Netherlands Hospital, six wards

n = 931 patients

Age = NR

Female = NR

ADE alerting system (ADEAS), pharmacists n = 121 clinical expert‐based rules List of alerts for patients with possible ADE
Roten et al. (2010) 33 Switzerland Hospital, internal medicine and geriatric wards

n = 501 patients

Age = NR

Female = NR

DRP screening tool n = 6 DRP queries based on literature, experience pharmacists, another hospital List of patients with possible DRPs
Schiff et al. (2017) 23 USA Outpatients

n = NR

Age = NR

Female = NR

Medication errors, outlier detection screening (MedAware)

n = 1706 alerts,

machine learning algorithms identifying outliers

Alerts with short explanation
Silverman et al. (2004) 32 USA Hospital

n = NR

Age = NR

Female = NR

ADE detection system

n = NR, ADE detection rules

(modified version of Jha et al.)

List of alerts
Segal et al. (2019) 22 Israel Hospital, internal medicine department

n = 3160 patients

Age = NR

Female = NR

Medication errors/ADE CDSS (MedAware) n = NR, machine learning algorithms identifying outliers Alerts after change in clinical state patient
de Wit et al. (2015) 40 Netherlands Hospital, nursing home

n = 900 patients

Age = NR

Female = NR

Medication surveillance CDSS, stand‐alone, pharmacists

n = 39 clinical rules

based on product info, known ADEs, prescribing mistakes

de Wit et al. (2016) 41 Netherlands Hospital, geriatric ward

n = 33

Mean age = 83

Female = 45%

Medication review CDSS, stand‐alone, used by pharmacists n = 469 clinical rules based on literature, guidelines, protocols, multidisciplinary team DRP alerts with advice to prevent ADE

ADE, adverse drug event; ADR, adverse drug reaction; CDSS, clinical decision support system; DRHC, drug‐related hazardous conditions; DRP, Drug‐related problems; ICU, intensive care unit; NR, not reported; PIM, potentially inappropriate medication; PIP, potentially inappropriate prescribing.