Fig 1.
Forest plot of ORR. CLL, chronic lymphocytic leukaemia; ECOG, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group; LDH, lactate dehydrogenase; LDi, longest transverse diameter; ORR, overall response rate; SLL, small lymphocytic leukaemia. *Stage at study entry: high risk includes (Rai) high risk of CLL, and (Ann Arbor) Stage III–IV for SLL; intermediate risk includes intermediate risk of CLL and Stage I–II for SLL; low risk includes low risk of CLL only. †Includes patients without baseline target lesion. ‡Cytopenia is defined as haemoglobin ≤110 g/l or platelet count ≤100 × 109/l or absolute neutrophil count ≤1·5 × 109/l.