Extended Fig. 7: Colocalization of chromatin markers with myofibrils in CMs and emerin localization in the outer nuclear membrane.
a) Embryonic cardiac cells from day 18.5 H2b-eGFP mice were cultured for four days after which they were stained for different markers and z-stacks were recorded on a confocal microscope. Left: Z-projection as well as XZ and YZ slices along white dashed lines for a CTL infected CM. Right: Panels show representative z-slices at different z-positions (basal, medial, apical) indicated by white arrows in the XZ projection. Basal z-slices were used for marker overlap analysis. b) After four days in culture soft (13 kPa) or stiff (140 kPa) PDMS or TCP, CMs were stained for emerin using digitonin to selectively permeabilize the cell membrane but not the nuclear membrane. Emerin localization at the outer nuclear membrane was similar for all substrates; scales=5 µm.