Fig. 4: Peripheral enrichment of H3K9 trimethylated chromatin is inhibited in embryonic CMs cultured on stiff substrates in vitro.
a) Isolated embryonic cardiac cells from H2b-eGFP mice were cultured on either soft (13 kPa) PDMS, stiff (140 kPa) PDMS or TCP for two or four days and stained for H3K27me3 and H3K9me3. Scales=5 µm b) Analysis of chromatin distribution with respect to nuclear center (1=periphery). Gray areas indicate center and peripheral bin. SEM; n≥60 from 5 exp. c) Enrichment scores for each chromatin marker (intensity quotient of peripheral bin and center bin). Enrichment of overall and H3K9me3-marked chromatin was abrogated on day four in cells plated on stiff PDMS and TCP compared to soft PDMS. Note: 13 kPa data same as CM data in Fig. 3d; SEM; n≥60 from 5 exp.; 1W-ANOVA: * p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001.