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. 2021 Jul 23;16(4):823–833. doi: 10.1007/s11764-021-01076-w

Table 3.

Hierarchical multiple regression of fear of progression with 213 mothers of childhood cancer survivors

Model 1 Model 2 Model 3
B SE Beta T p B SE Beta T p B SE Beta T p
Parent-related factors
Age − 0.078 0.082 − .059 − 0.944 .346 − 0.159 0.095 − .121 − 1.680 .094 − 0.155 0.096 − .118 − 1.620 .107
Education a − 2.304 1.144 − .127 − 2.014 .045* − 1.988 1.145 − .110 − 1.736 .084 − 2.172 1.120 − .120 − 1.939 .054
Employment status b 0.995 1.233 .052 0.807 .421 1.004 1.206 .053 0.832 .406 0.506 1.198 .026 0.422 .673
Depression 0.721 0.110 .411 6.561 <.001* 0.697 0.113 .397 6.156 <.001* 0.562 0.118 .320 4.775 <.001*
Family coping 0.032 0.104 .020 0.303 .762 0.027 0.103 .017 0.264 .792 0.098 0.103 .062 0.951 .343
Medical coping 0.418 0.151 .184 2.774 .006* 0.421 0.147 .185 2.862 .005* 0.395 0.144 .174 2.748 .007
Patient-related factors
Age 0.083 0.159 .041 0.523 .602 0.079 0.156 .039 0.508 .612
Gender c 0.311 1.132 .017 0.275 .784 0.024 1.112 .001 0.022 .983
Diagnosis d − 2.918 1.180 − .161 − 2.473 .014* − 3.723 1.180 − .205 − 3.156 .002*
Time since diagnosis 0.042 0.024 .110 1.710 .089 0.040 0.024 .105 1.661 .098
Other chronic diseases or impairments e 0.716 1.344 .036 0.533 .595 0.935 1.315 .047 0.711 .478
Physical well-being − 0.037 0.028 − .086 − 1.312 .191 − 0.025 0.028 − .059 − 0.912 .363
Family-related factors
Family dysfunction 3.515 1.196 .194 2.938 .004*
Number of siblings − 1.064 0.593 − .113 − 1.795 .074
R2 (adjusted R2) .235 (.213) .305 (.263) .343 (.297)
F 10.559 7.305 7.398
p <.001* <.001* <.001*
R2 change .235 .070 .039
F change 10.559 3.333 5.840
p of F change <.001* .004* .003*

aReference category: >10 years, breference category: gainfully employed, creference category: female, dreference category: leukemia, ereference category: yes. *p < .05