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. 2022 Jul 21;25(5):3945–3965. doi: 10.1007/s10668-022-02224-7

Table 2.

Variables used in the model

Dependent variable Description Unit
CO2_emissions Carbon dioxide emissions from agriculture Thousand tons
CH4_emissions Methane emissions from agriculture Thousand tons
N2O_emissions Nitrous Oxide emissions from agriculture Thousand tons
Independent variables
Population (P) Population size of the country Number of persons
Rural population (RP) Number of rural inhabitants Number of persons
Rural population square (RP2) Square of rural population to capture nonlinear effects
Urbanization (U) Urban population as percentage of total population Percentage
Urbanization square (U2) Square of urbanization to capture nonlinear effects
GDP per capita (A) GDP per capita in real USD USD
Energy intensity (EI) Energy used per unit of industry income Ktoe/ million USD
Carbon intensity (CI) Emissions per unit of fuel used Thousand tons/ktoe
Fertilizer use (F) Amount of nitrogen-based fertilizer used Tons
Cereal yield (CY) Quantity of grain produced per unit land area Kg/hectare
Land area (LA) Area of land under agricultural cultivation Hectare
Land irrigated (LI) Area of lander under irrigation Hectare
Rice cultivated (RC) Amount of rice cultivated Million tons
Fertilizer use intensity (FI) Amount of nitrogen fertilizer used per land area Kg/hectare