Single read methylation profiles were extracted, and reads were clustered on the basis of the methylation state of the Xist promoter from (A) T2T-CHM13 and (B) HG002. Differences in repeat methylation were calculated by taking the average methylation per repeat and subtracting cluster 2 repeats from cluster 1 repeats. Directionality of Xist/Tsix transcript units are indicated (top). Normalized PRO-seq reads show a marked pileup of RNA pol II at the predicted TAD boundary at the 3′ end of the Xist transcript [(A), blue box]. (B) Normalized RNA-seq reads across the single cluster for HG002 show no transcriptional signal for Xist. (C) Heatmap of chromosome X showing the location of all repeat differences between the Xs of HG002 and T2T-CHM13 (left) and the location of the top four categories of repeat differences: polymorphic (insertion/deletion), SRE (short repeat extension), TE extension, and variable array length (right ideogram). Gaps between T2T-CHM13 and GRCh38 are indicated with black blocks between the heatmap and ideogram. (D) Copy numbers of previously unknown human repeat annotations identified in T2T-CHM13 grouped by repeats, variants of known satellites, tandemly arrayed sequences, and composite element (inclusive of subunits) for T2T-CHM13 (maroon), GRCh38, and genomes for other primates from the Hominoidea, Catarhini, and Platyrrhini lineages (gray). Heatmap scale denotes number of repeats within the array (0 to 839). Array sizes >839 are indicated within colored blocks. Phylogenetic relationship and millions of years since divergence are indicated on the bottom. Not shown: variants of known centromeric satellites [but see (12)] and the repeat annotation for an AluJb (121) fragment, which could not reliably be delineated in copy number from other closely related full-length AluJb elements.