Figure 4.
Memory subset distribution and co-expression of checkpoint inhibitor receptors in CD8+T cells from different PLWH subgroups. N=11 HIV-1 negative controls (HC); N=15 ST-ARTp; N=11 LT-ARTp. (a) Percentage of naïve, NA (CCR7+ CD45Ro−); central memory, CM (CCR7+ CD45Ro+); effector memory, EM (CCR7− CD45Ro+); and terminally differentiated, TD (CCR7− CD45Ro−) CD8+ T cells from HIV negative controls (HC; green bars), ST-ARTp (light grey bars) and LT-ARTp (dark grey bars). Statistical significance was calculated using two-tailed Mann-Whitney U test (*p<0.05). On the right, Spearman correlations between the percentage of CM CD8+ T cells and months since HIV-1 infection diagnosis to ART initiation for ST-ARTp (light grey) and LT-ARTp (dark grey dots). Spearman r and p values are shown on the left for each correlation. (b-e) Proportion of PD1+TIGIT+TIM3− (b-c; purple) or PD1+TIGIT−TIM3+ (d-e; green) populations from total TIGIT+ or TIM3+ cells, compared to PD1−TIGIT+TIM3− (B-C; red) or PD1-TIGIT−TIM3+ (D-E; yellow) population from total TIGIT+ or TIM3+ populations. Statistical significance between the mentioned double and single positive populations was calculated using two-tailed matched pairs Wilcoxon test (**p<0.01; ***p<0.001) within each participant group and using two-tailed Mann-Whitney U test (*p<0.05) between different individuals.