Extended Data Fig. 7. Target binding with mismatches.
a, Guide-target pairing schematic for select mismatched targets binding Siwi-piRNA complexes. Mismatches colored gold. b, Association rates of target RNAs (shown in panel a) with wild-type Siwi (left) and Δseed-gate Siwi. Indicated p-values from two-sided t-test are 6.11 × 10−5 and 0.205 for wild-type and Δseed-gate Siwi, respectively. c, Guide-target pairing schematic for mismatched targets used in main text Fig. 3f, and panels d and e here. Mismatches colored gold. d, Dissociation rates of 32P-labeled target RNAs with three consecutive mismatches from wild-type EfPiwi. Most mismatched segments had moderate (~10-fold) effects on koff, except 14–16 mismatches, which increased koff ~70 fold. e, Dissociation constants (KD) calculated from kon and koff values for target RNAs binding wild-type EfPiwi-guide complex. f, Surface representation of the modeled piRNA-target duplex. piRNA nucleotides numbered at the Watson-Crick face. Non-hydrogen RNA atoms positioned ≤ 4 Å from an EfPiwi atom colored purple. In b,d, and e, n=3 independent experiments, data are mean ± s.d.