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. 2022 Jul 7;10:915648. doi: 10.3389/fchem.2022.915648


Top 10 most productive countries in terms of relevant articles.

Country Ps Percentage (%) TCa TC/Pb H-index
United States 602 17.17 33,188 55.13 91
China 538 15.34 15,962 29.67 58
India 432 12.32 16,896 39.11 65
Germany 213 6.07 10,749 50.46 49
Iran 188 5.36 6,752 35.91 43
Italy 186 5.30 5,811 31.24 42
France 172 4.90 11,161 64.89 49
Spain 170 4.85 8,100 47.65 43
Brazil 158 4.51 4,496 28.46 30
England 145 4.13 7,500 51.72 42

Note: Ps: the total number of articles published. TCa: the total citations for a country. TC/Pb: average number of citations per paper for a country. h-index: according to Hirsch (2005): A scientist has index H if H of his/her Np articles have at least H citations each, and the other Np-H, articles have no more than H citations each, in which Np is the number of articles published during n years. A higher-index indicates greater academic impact.