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. 2022 Feb 1;111(5):1004–1014. doi: 10.1111/apa.16265


Characteristics of the overall survivor population and of the study sample

Variable Overall survivor population (412 survivors of the original RCT weighing <1801 g at birth) Re‐enrolled sample (178 preterm babies with good‐quality MRI, weighing <1801 g at birth)
KMC (222) Control (190) P KMC (97) Control (81) P
Stable couple, N (%) 178 (80.5) 158 (83.2) 0.40 86 (88.7) 71 (87.7) 0.51
Mother's age (years), mean (SD) 28.1 (5.9) 27.7 (5.7) 0.49 28.4 (5.6) 28.1 (5.3) 0.71

Mother's educational level, N (%)

Primary or less

High school

More than high school

No data

47 (21.2)

122 (55.0)

52 (23.4)

1 (0.4)

43 (22.6)

101 (53.2)

45 (23.7)

1 (0.5)


15 (15.5)

57 (58.7)

25 (25.8)

12 (14.8)

49 (60.5)

20 (24.7)


Father's educational level, N (%)

Primary or less

High school

More than high school

No data

39 (17.5)

118 (53.2)

57 (25.7)

8 (3.6)

33 (17.4)

116 (61.0)

35 (18.4)

6 (3.2)


19 (19.6)

46 (48.0)

31 (32.0)

1 (1.0)

11 (13.6)

51 (63.0)

18 (22.2)

1 (1.0)


Household monthly per capita income (US$), mean (SD) 102 (66) 102 (63) 0.96 100 (68) 104 (67) 0.68
Primiparous mother, N (%) 91 (41.0) 72 (37.9) 0.30 42 (43.3) 34 (42.0) 0.86
Toxaemia, N (%) 111 (50.0) 84 (44.2) 0.28 44 (45.4) 42 (51.9) 0.39
Multiple births, N (%) 43 (19.5) 25 (13.2) 0.11 21 (21.6) 12 (14.8) 0.26
Foetal distress, N (%) 125 (56.3) 96 (50.5) 0.28 49 (50.5) 45 (55.6) 0.50
Caesarean section, N (%) 156 (70.9) 123 (64.7) 0.21 68 (70.1) 58 (71.6) 0.91
Males, N (%) 115 (51.8) 73 (38.4) <0.01* 47 (48.5) 26 (32.1) 0.03*
Intrauterine growth restriction (according to Lubchenco growth charts), N (%) 68 (30.6) 65 (34.2) 0.46 27 (27.8) 25 (30.9) 0.66

Neonatal resuscitation, N (%)




No data

127 (57.2)

36 (16.2)

6 (2.7)

53 (23.9)

111 (58.4)

29 (15.3)

3 (1.6)

47 (24.7)


55 (56.7)

17 (17.5)

2 (2.1)

23 (23.7)

42 (51.9)

11 (13.6)

1 (1.2)

27 (33.3)

Apgar score ≤7 at 5 min, N (%) 10 (5.5) 15 (9.8) 0.13 6 (6.2) 5 (6.2) 0.89
<33 weeks’ gestational age, N (%) 109 (49.1) 83 (43.7) 0.57 52 (53.6) 34 (42.0) 0.12
Birth weight (g), mean (SD) 1548 (220) 1580 (209) 0.13 1525 (253) 1587 (204) 0.07
Birth gestational age (weeks), mean (SD) 32.9 (2.4) 33.1 (2.7) 0.24 32.4 (2.1) 33.0 (2.2) 0.11
Invasive ventilation, N (%) 36 (16.2) 18 (9.5) 0.04* 20 (20.6) 4 (4.9) <0.01*
Invasive ventilation (days), mean (SD) 4.3 (3.0) 5.6 (3.0) 0.01* 2.7 (2.0) 1.6 (2.8) 0.20
Hospitalized at least 1 day in NCU, N (%) 177 (79.7) 128 (67.4) <0.01* 83 (85.6) 55 (67.9) <0.01*
Total days in NCU, median (min–max) 16.0 (1–64) 22.5 (1–65) 0.01* 15 (1–64) 20 (1–57) 0.01*
Hospitalized in NICU, N (%) 45 (20.3) 36 (19.9) 0.74 24 (24.7) 11 (13.6) 0.06
Gestational age at discharge (weeks), mean (SD) 34.9 (2.0) 35.5 (2.0) 0.01* 34.8 (1.7) 35.4 (2.0) 0.04*
Weight at discharge (g), mean (SD) 1560 (169) 1645 (145) <0.01* 1538 (183) 1629 (137) <0.01*
Gestational age at eligibility (weeks), mean (SD) 34.5 (2.0) 34.7 (2.0) 0.34 34.3 (1.8) 34.6 (1.9) 0.30
Weight at eligibility (g), mean (SD) 1551 (179) 1577 (182) 0.16 1520 (201) 1572 (163) 0.06
Total time on oxygen (days), mean (SD) 8.8 (7.9) 10.8 (9.0) 0.06 7.58 (8.7) 10.1 (9.9) 0.13
Fragility index (before randomization), mean (SD) 0.21(0.56) 0.13(0.55) 0.15 0.21 (0.54) 0.15 (0.45) 0.41
Severity index (re‐enrolled cohort), mean (SD) NA NA NA 0.54 (0.72) 0.25 (0.70) <0.01*

Abbreviations: NA, not available; NCU, neonatal care unit; NICU, neonatal intensive care unit.


statistically significant.