Fig. 5.
The signatures of transdifferentiation in clonal and chimeric aggregations from smFISH. The pspA index provides a measure of the proportion of expression associated with prespore cell fate. Points represent individual cells from both experimental replicates, which are a mixture of the 10 different genotypes listed in the text. The cells are ranked based on their pspA index to illustrate the overall distribution of index values. Index values below 0.3 are shaded as having a prestalk cell fate and those above 0.7 as having a prespore cell fate. Those in between show mixed cell-fate signatures associated with transdifferentiation. Very few cells in clonal mixes (n = 140 cells) show a signature of transdifferentiation, whereas a large proportion of cells from chimeric mixtures (n = 154 cells) show clear signatures of transdifferentiation.