Concordance of IGAxBSA vs. Scoring Atopic Dermatitis (SCORAD): patients in randomized controlled trials. (a) Placebo‐treated patients, (b) dupilumab‐treated patients. BSA, body surface area; IGA, Investigator’s Global Assessment. Agreement between IGAxBSA and SCORAD scores was further assessed based on intraclass correlation coefficients and response concordance rates, using improvements from baseline of 50%, 75% and 90% as the response thresholds in both scales. Concordance was calculated as (number of patients without SCORAD response and without IGAxBSA response) + (number of patients with SCORAD response and with IGAxBSA response) / the total number of patients with sufficient data for evaluation. Patients were considered overrated if response was achieved based on IGAxBSA, but not achieved based on SCORAD. Patients were considered underrated if response was achieved based on SCORAD, but not achieved based on IGAxBSA. Note that the end of treatment visit for SOLO 1&2, CAFÉ, PEDs and ADOL is week 16, end of treatment visit for SOLO‐CONTINUE is week 36, and end of treatment visit for CHRONOS is week 52.