A progressive decrease in the number of neurons in brains is observed during both the weekly cycle and with age. (A) Brain of B. schlosseri labeled with anti-alpha tubulin (green) and DAPI (blue). (B) Neuron number in adult brains during the weekly cycle; day 1.5 (n = 8), day 3 (n = 6), day 4 (n = 6), day 5 (n = 6), day 5.5 (n = 7), day 6 (n = 5), day 7 (n = 7), day 7.5 (n = 3). (C) Number of immunocytes during the weekly cycle; day 1 (n = 8), day 4 (n = 10), day 6 (n = 10). (D) Phagocyte (red) labeled with anti rhamnose–binding lectine (RBL), blue: brain neuron nuclei. (E) Morula cells (arrows) in the brain. (F) Neuron number during the weekly cycle in adults belonging to 5 mo-, 1 y- and ∼15 y- old colonies. (G) Sensory cell number during the weekly cycle in 5 mo- and 1 y-old colonies. ANOVA and post hoc test. P value < 0.05 (*); P value < 0.01 (**); P value < 0.001 (***).