Figure 8.
Enrichment of TF motifs implies HNF4A distinguishes sites that are differential between CV+HFM and GF+HFM. (A) Heatmap of TFs that are significantly different in at least one +HFM and one +CV comparison by RNA-seq. (B) Motif enrichment at DNase sites linked to +CV H3k27ac significance groups (P adjusted <.05) comparing CV/GF and CV+HFM/GF+HFM sites. For each significance +CV group the reciprocal direction is used as the background (e.g., CV/GF-up input versus CV/GF-down background). The –log10P values are plotted for motif enrichment. Both directions are plotted on the same axis with each analysis separated by colored arrows. HNF4A motif (green asterisk) was not differentially enriched between CV/GF directional H3K27ac sites but was substantially enriched in CV+HFM/GF+HFM-down sites relative to CV+HFM/GF+HFM-up sites. (C) Same as (B) for GF+HFM/GF versus CV+HFM/CV. (D) Clustering of enrichment motif score (–log10 P value) for TF motifs that are present in multiple comparisons for 8 directional significance groups. Data are shared with (B) and (C). (E) Example TF motif enrichment patterns including those coincident with red (+HFM-up and +CV-up) and blue (+HFM-up and +CV-down) H3K27ac sites.