scRNA-seq revealed a range of cell types across all tissue layers, including several that were injury specific. (A) Experimental design of the scRNA-seq experiment. (B) Plot of the first 2 principal components showing the 3 tissue layers radiating from the center. (C) t-SNE projections showing the annotated clusters (cell type), and experimental condition of the cells. The legend in D applies to C. (D) Log2 normalized UMI counts for all cell types across all 3 tissue layers or lineages. The top color bar refers to cell type; the bottom bar denotes experimental condition. Color annotation for experimental conditions also applies to E and F. (E) For the immune, stromal, and epithelial cells, the percentage of cells from each experimental condition (indicated on the bottom) comprises each cluster (indicated on the left). The columns sum to 100% for that condition. (F) Barplots representing the composition of each cell type by experimental condition: each bar represents 100% of the cells in that cell type; the wider the bar, the more cells comprise that cell type. See D for color annotation of experimental conditions.