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. 2022 Jun 3;6(1):e80. doi: 10.1017/cts.2022.411

Table 3.

Participants, survey questions, and data sources/details for each Un-Meeting

Un-Meeting Date Survey Questions Data Sources Data Details
October 28, 2020 Describe or list challenges and issues to standardized job titles and job descriptions in the clinical research field, as well as possible solutions. Main session recording ∼50 minutes
Breakout recordings n = 10, ∼40 minutes each
Breakout scribe notes n = 8
Main session/breakout chats n = 9
Brainstorming results collected using Qualtrics survey 79 responses
January 27, 2021 1. Should hiring and onboarding of new CRP staff be the responsibility of the PI or the Clinical Research Office? Why?
2. When is it a good time to begin centralizing tasks?
3. How should job competencies be implemented?
4. Should we hire premeds/pregrads knowing they will leave in less than 2 years?
5. Who should fund CRP staff (industry, division or departmental support)?
Main session recording ∼60 minutes
Breakout recordings n = 7, ∼36 minutes each
Breakout scribe notes n = 4
Main session/breakout chats n = 3
Brainstorming results collected using Qualtrics survey ∼30 responses
February 17, 2021 1. What strategies can be employed to engage a more diverse workforce?
2. Does the industry need to establish a set of competency standards and skills required for entry-level CRP prior to hiring? What are those skills you look for when hiring an entry level CRP?
3. Do we need to establish more internship opportunities for CRPs? How do we do this? What are the barriers?
4. Is there an opportunity for CTSAs to collaborate on an "Enhancing the Pipeline" campaign?
Main session recording ∼57 minutes
Breakout recordings n = 6; ∼36 minutes each
Breakout scribe notes n = 4
Main session/breakout chats n = 6
Brainstorming results collected using Qualtrics survey. ∼18 responses

Note. CRP = clinical research professional; CTSA = Clinical Translational Science Award; PI = principal investigator; premeds = pre-medical students; pregrads = pre-graduate students.