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. 2022 Feb 25;146(1):36–50. doi: 10.1111/acps.13415


Reported prevalence and duration of prodromal symptoms prior to First Episode Mania (FEM) or Prior to First Episode Psychosis (FEP)

Prodromal symptom characteristics Prevalence (Yes/No) Duration (Months)
FEM (n = 72, 66.7%) FEP (n = 36, 33.3%) X 2 or F, p value FEM (n = 72, 66.7%) FEP (n = 36, 33.3%) t, p value
N % N % Mean SD Mean SD
Mania Index Symptoms
Increased energy or goal‐directed activity 38 52.8 3 8.3 18.827, <0.001 2.42 2.11 3.33 0.58 −0.737, 0.465
Overly cheerful, happy, on top of the world 27 37.5 4 11.1 6.928, 0.008 2.13 1.46 3.50 1.91 −1.685, 0.103
Racing thoughts 24 33.3 5 13.9 3.683, 0.055 2.39 2.38 3.20 1.92 −0.705, 0.487
Overly talkative 27 37.5 1 2.8 13.313, <0.001 2.09 1.26 2.00 0.072, 0.943
Decreased need for sleep 25 34.7 2 5.6 9.389, 0.002 2.88 6.95 1.50 0.71 0.276, 0.785
Irritability or anger 29 40.3 11 30.6 0.601, 0.438 2.93 2.67 11.36 10.54 −2.622, 0.025
Overly self‐confidence 22 30.6 2 5.6 7.292, 0.007 2.20 1.31 2.50 0.70 −0.309, 0.760
Increased sexual interest 12 16.7 2 5.6 2.626, 0.135 2.20 1.23 4.00 1.41 −1.878, 0.085
Reckless or dangerous behaviours 4 5.6 2 5.6 0.000, 1.000 1.25 0.50 2.00 0.00 −2.000, 0.116
Risky sexual behaviour 4 5.6 1 2.8 0.419, 0.663 1.50 1.00 2.00 −0.447, 0.685
Mania or Depression Index Symptoms
Lack of concentration 21 29.2 10 27.8 0.000, 1.000 2.81 2.05 9.70 8.18 −2.625, 0.026
Physical agitation 26 36.1 4 11.1 6.283, 0.012 1.96 1.39 6.50 7.68 −1.179, 0.323
Depression Index Symptoms
Depressed mood 1 1.4 5 13.9 7.147, 0.015 4.00 12.80 8.41 −0.955, 0.393
Tiredness or lack of energy 2 2.8 7 19.4 8.573, 0.006 9.00 7.07 13.57 12.49 −0.480, 0.646
Anhedonia 6 8.3 6 16.7 1.688, 0.209 6.00 3.74 10.17 8.95 −1.052, 0.329
Insomnia 28 38.9 14 38.9 0.000, 1.000 3.28 6.57 9.54 7.73 −2.680, 0.011
Feeling of worthlessness or guilt 2 2.8 2 5.6 0.519, 0.599 3.50 0.71 9.50 12.02 −0.705, 0.554
Weight loss or decrease in appetite 9 12.5 6 16.7 0.087, 0.768 4.05 3.50 9.17 7.91 −1.725, 0.108
Physically slowed down 3 4.2 6 16.7 4.909, 0.057 6.33 6.80 19.00 11.30 −1.753. 0.123
Thinking about suicide 2 2.8 2 5.6 0.519, 0.599 13.50 14.85 9.50 12.02 0.296, 0.795
Hypersomnia 0 2 5.6 4.075, 0.109 10.50 9.19
Attempting suicide 0 1 2.8 2.019, 0.333 14.00
Weight gain or increasing in appetite 3 4.2 2 5.6 0.105, 1.000 3.67 2.31 9.50 2.12 −2.842, 0.066
General Index Symptoms
Educational and occupational dysfunction 17 23.6 13 36.1 1.298, 0.255 5.22 6.18 11.54 11.16 −1.827, 0.085
Anxiety or nervousness 28 38.9 18 50.0 0.800, 0.371 3.96 3.91 7.71 8.19 −1.758, 0.093
Social Isolation 7 9.7 12 33.3 7.672, 0.006 2.93 1.88 11.33 10.07 −2.809, 0.015
Mood lability 33 45.8 7 19.4 6.080, 0.014 3.26 6.10 8.14 9.06 −1.362, 0.214
Ambivalence/difficulty making decisions 3 4.2 8 22.2 8.553, 0.006 3.17 1.44 5.50 4.28 −0.899, 0.392
Obsessions and compulsions 10 13.9 6 16.7 0.009, 0.924 3.35 1.83 5.17 2.86 −1.564, 0.140
Losing temper frequently or trouble controlling anger 11 78.6 3 8.3 1.077, 0.375 1.64 1.21 9.33 12.74 −1.045, 0.405
Day/Night Sleep Reversal 2 2.8 0 1.019, 0.551 14.00 16.97
Self‐harming behaviour (no intent to kill self) 0 0
Oppositionality 2 2.8 1 2.8 0.000, 1.000 2.50 0.71 2.00 0.577, 0.667
Increased creativity 23 31.9 1 2.8 10.185, 0.001 2.65 2.66 3.00 −0.128, 0.899
Giddy, clownish 2 2.8 1 2.8 0.000, 1.000 1.50 0.71 3.00 −1.732, 0.333
Psychosis, Mania and Depression Index Symptoms
Difficulty thinking or communicating clearly 4 5.6 6 16.7 3.527, 0.081 2.37 1.38 15.83 13.06 −2.503, 0.053
Psychosis Index Symptoms
Suspiciousness/persecutory ideas 11 15.3 13 36.1 4.882, 0.027 2.91 3.33 5.15 3.21 −1.678, 0.108
Strange or unusual ideas 17 23.6 12 33.3 0.713, 0.398 2.82 3.02 4.12 2.31 0.026, 0.222
Hallucinations 1 1.4 1 2.8 0.255, 1.000 2.00 3.00
FEM (n = 92) FEP (n = 28) t, p value FEM (n = 92) FEP (n = 28) t, p value
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
Mania Index 3.65 2.74 1.47 2.18 4.482, <0.001 2.84 3.84 11.48 10.94 3.377, 0.003
Depression Index 1.46 1.52 2.03 1.92 −1.533, 0.131 3.63 5.58 10.52 8.93 3.489, 0.001
General Psychopathology Index 1.90 1.56 1.94 1.76 −0.129, 0.897 3.56 3.61 9.18 7.78 3.379, 0.002
Psychosis Index 0.46 0.75 0.89 1.06 −2.175, 0.034 2.63 2.70 7.97 8.51 2.500, 0.022
BPSS‐R Total Score 6.70 4.62 5.61 4.73 1.146, 0.254 3.15 3.22 8.8 7.42 3.884, <0.001

Abbreviations: BPSS‐R, Bipolar Prodrome Symptom Scale‐Retrospective. Bold for statistically significant p values; FEM, First Episode Mania; FEP, First Episode Psychosis; SD, Standard Deviation.