Figure 2.
ATP‐fueled transient organization of functional motifs. a) Schematic illustration of ATP‐fueled transient FRET. b) Time‐dependent AGE (2 wt.%, 105 V, 1.5 h) corresponding to transient complex 2 with programmable lifetimes by fueling with i) 0.03, ii) 0.06, and iii) 0.12 mM ATP. c) Time‐dependent yield of complex 2 calculated from AGE. Lines are guides to the eye. d, e) Programmable lifetimes seen by time‐dependent FIs at different ATP concentrations. The shaded areas and error bars correspond to the standard deviation of duplicate measurements. Conditions: 37 °C, 10 μM of each DNA species, 0.92 WU T4 DNA ligase, 1 U BsaI, and varied concentration of ATP.