Cluster | Location of Cluster Centroid | MNI Coordinates, x, y, z | Brodmann Area | Subjects and ICs Included, n |
Frontal | ||||
1 | Central frontal cortex | 11, 32, 36 | BA 32 | 10 |
Sensorimotor | ||||
2 | Left sensorimotor cortex | −29, −7, 57 | BA 6 | 13 |
3 | Central sensorimotor cortex | 1, −22, 61 | BA 4 | 12 |
4 | Right sensorimotor cortex | 38, −8, −47 | BA 6 | 14 |
Parietal | ||||
5 | Left parietal cortex | −30, −46, 43 | BA 40 | 15 |
6 | Central parietal cortex | 1, −57, 37 | BA 7 | 13 |
7 | Right parietal cortex | 35, −44, 34 | BA 40 | 14 |
Occipital | ||||
8 | Left occipital cortex | −34, 60, 11 | BA 37 | 11 |
9 | Central occipital cortex | 1, −78, 19 | BA 18 | 11 |
10 | Right occipital cortex | 33, −64, 9 | BA 19 | 12 |
IC = independent component; ICA = IC analysis; MNI = Montreal Neurological Institute.