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. 2022 Jan 10;129(7):1122–1132. doi: 10.1111/1471-0528.17041


Baseline and postoperative patient characteristics by modified Aletti surgical complexity score (SCS) group

Patient characteristics


N = 113

Intermediate SCS

N = 70

High SCS

N = 64

Number % Number % Number %
Age in years
≤65 years 51 45.1 44 62.9 48 75 0.001
>65 years 62 54.9 26 37.1 16 25
ECOG performance status
0 53 46.9 35 50 19 29.7 0.046
1 52 46 25 35.7 36 56.3
2, 3, 4 8 7.1 10 14.3 9 14.1
Age‐adjusted Charlson comorbidity index
0–2 62 54.9 49 70 46 71.9 0.033
3+ 51 45.1 21 30 18 28.1
Body mass index (kg/m2)
≤25 42 37.2 37 52.9 31 48.4 0.096
>25 69 61.1 32 45.7 33 51.6
Timing of surgery
PDS 10 8.8 26 37.1 39 60.9 0.001
NACT 103 91.2 44 62.9 25 39.1
Pre‐surgery haemoglobin
≤109 g/L 49 43.4 28 40.0 25 39.1 0.827
>110 g/L 64 56.6 42 60.0 39 60.9
Pre‐surgery albumin level
>35 g/L 22 19.5 14 20 17 26.6 0.511
>5 g/L 91 80.5 56 80 47 73.4
Peritoneal Carcinomatosis Index
≤6 65 57.5 18 25.7 2 3.1 0.001
7–12 21 18.6 29 41.4 6 9.4
>12 27 23.9 23 32.9 56 87.5
Level/distribution of disease
Level 1 (highest level of disease: pelvis) 20 17.7 7 10 0 0 0.001
Level 2 (highest level of disease: mid‐abdomen) 45 39.8 19 27.1 5 7.8
Level 3 (highest level of disease: upper abdomen) 48 42.5 44 62.9 59 92.2
Outcome of surgery: residual disease
None visible 63 55.8 50 71.4 40 62.5 0.007
≤1 cm 29 25.7 17 24.3 21 32.8
>1 cm 21 18.6 3 4.3 3 4.7
Final FIGO stage
3A/3B 11 9.7 9 12.9 2 3.1 0.068
3C 68 60.2 34 48.6 33 51.6
4 31 27.4 26 37.1 29 45.3
Postoperative chemotherapy
Carboplatin (C) ± taxol (T) 106 94 62 89 62 97 0.591
C + T + bevacizumab 20 18 15 21 8 13
Other 5 4 5 7 2 3
No chemotherapy 2 2 3 4 0 0
UK/India patient
UK (n = 195) 108 95.6 53 75.7 34 53.1 0.001
India (n = 52) 5 4.4 17 24.3 30 46.9
Pre‐surgery EORTC QLQ‐C30 global score, mean (SD) 65.1 (21.7) 59.8 (19.9) 58.1 (22.2) 0.094
Median, days IQR Median, days IQR Median, days IQR
Length of hospital admission 5 3 6 3 9 8 0.001
Surgery to chemotherapy interval 31 16 31 13 39 20 0.005

DDS, delayed debulking surgery; NACT, neoadjuvant chemotherapy; PDS, primary debulking surgery.