TIRF microscopy on FLAG-ST-CCR5-WT and FLAG-ST-CCR5-L196K cells expressing βarr2-GFP. Cells were stained with M2-Cy3 for FLAG detection and treated or not with 3 nM PSC-RANTES for the indicated times. (
A) TIRF images of cells treated 10 min with the agonist. Scale bar 2 μm. (
B) Quantification of the percentage of colocalization between βarr2-GFP spots and CCR5 fluorescent spots was performed with SODA (
Lagache et al., 2018) implemented in the plugin
colocalization studio in ICY software(mean +/-SEM, n=at least 8 cells). Unpaired t test: p≥0.05, ns, *p≤
0.05; **p≤