Fig. 3. Effects of narrative centrality on recall performance.
a Correlation between semantic centrality and recall probability. b Recall probability for High (top 40%) vs. Low (bottom 40%) semantic centrality events defined within each movie (averaged across movies). c. Correlation between causal centrality and recall probability. d. Recall probability for High (top 40%) vs. Low (bottom 40%) causal centrality events defined within each movie (averaged across movies). In a and c, each dot represents an individual movie event. Different colors denote different movies. In b and d, white circles represent individual participants (N = 15). Black diamonds represent the mean across participants within each condition. Error bars show SEM across participants. Two-tailed paired t-tests indicated that both higher semantic (p = .00003) and causal centrality (p = .000001) were associated with higher recall probability. **p < .01, ***p < .001. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.