Figure 1.
(a) Map of recorded induced seismicity in the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin (WCSB). The blue dashed line shows the mountain deformation margin. Red circles show some recorded earthquakes, and the beach balls denote their focal mechanisms of HF-induced (orange), tectonic-related (green), and EOR-induced (blue) events11,23. (b) Map of induced seismicity and fracturing horizontal wells near the Crooked Lake region. The gray circles show the recorded induced earthquakes. The magnitude-scaled beach balls denote the focal mechanisms of five mainshocks13,23. The pink circles show the 12-month shale gas production of horizontal wells. Crooked Lake is marked with a yellow polygon. Two green triangles denote the coring wells drilled for the petrophysical experiments. The blue diamonds represent fracturing horizontal wells with available treatment data. The purple triangle marks the straight well drilled into the Cambrian formation. The black line is the boundary of the available 3D seismic survey.