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. 2022 Jul 23;23:590. doi: 10.1186/s13063-022-06525-0

Table 2.

Overview of the questionnaire instruments according to the thematic modules of the STARKIDS intervention

Questionnaire No. of items Subscales Reliability Validity Completer (about)

Quality of Life Questionnaire for children (KINDLR), with obesity module

Original title: Fragebogen zur Erfassung der gesundheitsbezogenen Lebensqualität bei Kindern und Jugendlichen (KINDLR) [23, 2527]

24 plus 16 (obesity module) Physical well-being, psychological well-being, self-esteem, family, friends, functioning in school/kindergarten Cronbach’s a = .85 Convergent validity: parent report: r = .44–.63; child report: r = .33–.59 correlation with SDQ

Parent (child)

Adolescent (self)

University of Rhode Island Change Assessment (URICA-S) [28] 16 Precontemplation, contemplation, action, maintenance Cronbach’s a = .61–.84 n/a Adolescent (self)
Parent Perspective University of Rhode Island Change Assessment -Short (PURICA-S) [24] 16 Precontemplation, contemplation, action, maintenance Cronbach’s a = .30–.84 Criteria validity good to very good (exception subscale precontemplation) Parent (self)
Eating and drinking module
Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire – Children (DEBQ-C) [29] 20 Restraint eating, emotional eating, external eating Cronbach’s a = .74–.81 n/a

Parent (child)

Adolescent (self)

Rhythm of dietary intake 2 n/a n/a

Parent (child)

Adolescent (self)

Knowledge about nutrition 10

Parent (self)

Adolescent (self)

Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) – KiGGS version [30, 31] 114 n/a r = .22–.69 correlation with DISHES nutrition interview

Parent (child)

Adolescent (self)

Activity and media module


Original title: Aktivitätsfragebogen des Motorik-Moduls (MoMo-AFB, selected items) [32]

20 Intraclass correlation (ICC): r = .68 r = .29 correlation with accelerometer data

Parent (child)

Adolescent (self)

Physical Activity, Exercise, and Sport Questionnaire

Original title: Bewegungs- und Sportaktivität Fragebogen (BSA-F) [33]

10 Sports activity and physical activity n/a r = .32 with VO2max Parent (self)
Physical Activity Enjoyment Scale (PACES) [34] 16 Cronbach’s a = .89–.93 r = .42 correlation with physical activity diary

Parent (child)

Adolescent (self)

Self-concordance of sport- and exercise-related goals scale

Original title: Sport- und Bewegungsbezogene Selbstkonkordanz Skala (SSK) [35]

12 Intrinsic, identified, introjected and extrinsic modes of motivation Cronbach’s a = .70–.82 r = .25–.38 correlation with physical activity

Parent (child)

Adolescent (self)

Basic Psychological Needs Questionnaire

Original title: Fragebogen zu Psychologischen Grundbedürfnissen

9 Autonomy, relatedness, competence n/a n/a

Parent (child)

Adolescent (self)

Exercise-related Support - Family

Original title: Sportbezogene Unterstützung aus der Familie (SU-F) [36]

6 Cronbach’s a = .85 n/a

Parent (child)

Adolescent (self)

Exercise-related Support - Friends

Original title: Sportbezogene Unterstützung von Freunden und Bekannten (SU-B) [36]

5 Cronbach’s a = .89 n/a

Parent (child)

Adolescent (self)

Barriers to physical activity 4 n/a n/a

Parent (child)

Adolescent (self)

Bernese Motive and Goal Inventory

Original title: Berner Motiv- und Zielinventar (BMZI) [37]

26 Contact, competition/performance, distraction/catharsis, body/appearance, health, fitness, esthetics, and risk/challenge Test-retest: .62–.83 Discriminant validity for acceptable

Parent (child)

Adolescent (self)

Parental mediation [3842] 51 Active parental mediation, restrictive parental mediation, social co-viewing/co-use, supervision, concept-oriented family consumer communication, socio-oriented family consumer communication Cronbach’s a = .75–.94 n/a Parent (self)
Attitudes towards advertising [38, 43] 7 Cronbach’s a = .80 n/a Parent (self)
Parent-Child Conflict [42, 44] 3 Cronbach’s a = .69 n/a Parent (self)
Duration of media consumption 2 n/a n/a

Parent (child)

Adolescent (self)

Family life module
Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) [45, 46] 25 Emotional problems, striking behaviors, hyperactivity, troubles with peers, pro-social behaviors Cronbach’s a = .55–.77 (self-evaluation) n/a

Parent (child)

Adolescent (self)

Family climate (items of the iFamily study) [4749] 8 Cronbach’s a = .61–.83 n/a

Parent (self)

Adolescent (self)

Shared activities (items of the iFamily study) [47, 49] 6 n/a n/a

Parent (self)

Adolescent (self)

Sleep (items of the KiGGS study) [50] 4 n/a n/a

Parent (child)

Adolescent (self)

Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire 8 (EDEQ-8) [51] 8 Cronbach’s a =.93 r = .75 correlation with EAT-13 Parent (self)
Child version of the Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire 8 (ChEDEQ-8) [52] 8 Cronbach’s a = .89 r = -?.65 correlation with body esteem scale Adolescent (self)
Eating Disorder Inventory (EDI-2), subscale body dissatisfaction [5355] 9 Only one scale used (body dissatisfaction)

Cronbach’s a = .84–.89

rtt = .89/.94 (subscale)

r = .35 correlation with Beck Depression Inventory (subscale) Parent (self)

Eating behaviors inventory – child, subscale dissatisfaction with body

Original title: Inventar zum Essverhalten und Gewichtsproblemen – Kind (IEG-K) [56]

Only one scale used (body dissatisfaction) Cronbach’s a = .88 (subscale) n/a Adolescent (self)
Weight Bias Internalization Scale (WBIS) [57, 58] 11

Cronbach’s a = .87

rtt = .88 (8 weeks)

r = .2 for BMI-SDS

r = -?.7 for self-esteem

r = -?.77 for HRQoL (weight),

acceptable construct validity in CFA

Adolescent (self)
Modified Weight Self Stigma Questionnaire (WSSQ) [59] 13 Modification of original scale to assess stigma by association Cronbach’s a = .87 for original scale r = -?.47 for HRQoL (weight) Parent (self/child)
Body Image Avatars [60, 61] 3 These ratings have never been used before, for similar 2D avatars, a sample with female adult participants found rtt = .88–.90 (5 weeks) Rating corresponds with actual BMI: r = .89

Parent (child)

Adolescent (self)

Parenting Self-efficacy questionnaire

Original title: Fragebogen zur Selbstwirksamkeit in der Erziehung (FSW) [62]

9 Cronbach’s a =.78/.79 r = .63/.64 with parent behavior in risk situations Parent (self)

Self-efficacy scale

Original title: Skala zur Allgemeinen Selbstwirksamkeitserwartung (SWE) [63, 64]

10 Cronbach’s a =.78–.79 n/a Adolescent (self)
Perceived Stress Questionnaire-20 (PSQ-20) [65] 20 Worries, tension, joy, demands Cronbach’s a =.80–.86 r = -?.58 correlation with WHOQOL-Bref (global) Parent (self)
Systemic Clinical Outcome and Routine Evaluation-15 (SCORE-15) [66] 15 Cronbach’s a = .89 Convergent validity shown by correlation with various measures

Parent (self)

Adolescent (self)

Socioeconomic outcomes
Mannheimer Modul RV (MRV), adaptation for STARKIDS 31 n/a n/a

Parent (child)

Adolescent (self)

BMI-SDS BMI standard deviation score, CFA confirmatory factor analysis, EAT-13 Eating Attitudes Test – short version, HRQoL health-related quality of life, n/a not available, WHOQOL-Bref World Health Organization Quality of Life questionnaire, VO2max maximal oxygen consumption