Table 2.
Overview of the questionnaire instruments according to the thematic modules of the STARKIDS intervention
Questionnaire | No. of items | Subscales | Reliability | Validity | Completer (about) |
Overall | |||||
Quality of Life Questionnaire for children (KINDLR), with obesity module Original title: Fragebogen zur Erfassung der gesundheitsbezogenen Lebensqualität bei Kindern und Jugendlichen (KINDLR) [23, 25–27] |
24 plus 16 (obesity module) | Physical well-being, psychological well-being, self-esteem, family, friends, functioning in school/kindergarten | Cronbach’s a = .85 | Convergent validity: parent report: r = .44–.63; child report: r = .33–.59 correlation with SDQ |
Parent (child) Adolescent (self) |
University of Rhode Island Change Assessment (URICA-S) [28] | 16 | Precontemplation, contemplation, action, maintenance | Cronbach’s a = .61–.84 | n/a | Adolescent (self) |
Parent Perspective University of Rhode Island Change Assessment -Short (PURICA-S) [24] | 16 | Precontemplation, contemplation, action, maintenance | Cronbach’s a = .30–.84 | Criteria validity good to very good (exception subscale precontemplation) | Parent (self) |
Eating and drinking module | |||||
Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire – Children (DEBQ-C) [29] | 20 | Restraint eating, emotional eating, external eating | Cronbach’s a = .74–.81 | n/a |
Parent (child) Adolescent (self) |
Rhythm of dietary intake | 2 | n/a | n/a |
Parent (child) Adolescent (self) |
Knowledge about nutrition | 10 |
Parent (self) Adolescent (self) |
Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) – KiGGS version [30, 31] | 114 | n/a | r = .22–.69 correlation with DISHES nutrition interview |
Parent (child) Adolescent (self) |
Activity and media module | |||||
MoMo-Physical-Activity-Questionnaire Original title: Aktivitätsfragebogen des Motorik-Moduls (MoMo-AFB, selected items) [32] |
20 | Intraclass correlation (ICC): r = .68 | r = .29 correlation with accelerometer data |
Parent (child) Adolescent (self) |
Physical Activity, Exercise, and Sport Questionnaire Original title: Bewegungs- und Sportaktivität Fragebogen (BSA-F) [33] |
10 | Sports activity and physical activity | n/a | r = .32 with VO2max | Parent (self) |
Physical Activity Enjoyment Scale (PACES) [34] | 16 | Cronbach’s a = .89–.93 | r = .42 correlation with physical activity diary |
Parent (child) Adolescent (self) |
Self-concordance of sport- and exercise-related goals scale Original title: Sport- und Bewegungsbezogene Selbstkonkordanz Skala (SSK) [35] |
12 | Intrinsic, identified, introjected and extrinsic modes of motivation | Cronbach’s a = .70–.82 | r = .25–.38 correlation with physical activity |
Parent (child) Adolescent (self) |
Basic Psychological Needs Questionnaire Original title: Fragebogen zu Psychologischen Grundbedürfnissen |
9 | Autonomy, relatedness, competence | n/a | n/a |
Parent (child) Adolescent (self) |
Exercise-related Support - Family Original title: Sportbezogene Unterstützung aus der Familie (SU-F) [36] |
6 | Cronbach’s a = .85 | n/a |
Parent (child) Adolescent (self) |
Exercise-related Support - Friends Original title: Sportbezogene Unterstützung von Freunden und Bekannten (SU-B) [36] |
5 | Cronbach’s a = .89 | n/a |
Parent (child) Adolescent (self) |
Barriers to physical activity | 4 | n/a | n/a |
Parent (child) Adolescent (self) |
Bernese Motive and Goal Inventory Original title: Berner Motiv- und Zielinventar (BMZI) [37] |
26 | Contact, competition/performance, distraction/catharsis, body/appearance, health, fitness, esthetics, and risk/challenge | Test-retest: .62–.83 | Discriminant validity for acceptable |
Parent (child) Adolescent (self) |
Parental mediation [38–42] | 51 | Active parental mediation, restrictive parental mediation, social co-viewing/co-use, supervision, concept-oriented family consumer communication, socio-oriented family consumer communication | Cronbach’s a = .75–.94 | n/a | Parent (self) |
Attitudes towards advertising [38, 43] | 7 | Cronbach’s a = .80 | n/a | Parent (self) | |
Parent-Child Conflict [42, 44] | 3 | Cronbach’s a = .69 | n/a | Parent (self) | |
Duration of media consumption | 2 | n/a | n/a |
Parent (child) Adolescent (self) |
Family life module | |||||
Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) [45, 46] | 25 | Emotional problems, striking behaviors, hyperactivity, troubles with peers, pro-social behaviors | Cronbach’s a = .55–.77 (self-evaluation) | n/a |
Parent (child) Adolescent (self) |
Family climate (items of the iFamily study) [47–49] | 8 | Cronbach’s a = .61–.83 | n/a |
Parent (self) Adolescent (self) |
Shared activities (items of the iFamily study) [47, 49] | 6 | n/a | n/a |
Parent (self) Adolescent (self) |
Sleep (items of the KiGGS study) [50] | 4 | n/a | n/a |
Parent (child) Adolescent (self) |
Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire 8 (EDEQ-8) [51] | 8 | Cronbach’s a =.93 | r = .75 correlation with EAT-13 | Parent (self) | |
Child version of the Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire 8 (ChEDEQ-8) [52] | 8 | Cronbach’s a = .89 | r = -?.65 correlation with body esteem scale | Adolescent (self) | |
Eating Disorder Inventory (EDI-2), subscale body dissatisfaction [53–55] | 9 | Only one scale used (body dissatisfaction) |
Cronbach’s a = .84–.89 rtt = .89/.94 (subscale) |
r = .35 correlation with Beck Depression Inventory (subscale) | Parent (self) |
Eating behaviors inventory – child, subscale dissatisfaction with body Original title: Inventar zum Essverhalten und Gewichtsproblemen – Kind (IEG-K) [56] |
Only one scale used (body dissatisfaction) | Cronbach’s a = .88 (subscale) | n/a | Adolescent (self) | |
Weight Bias Internalization Scale (WBIS) [57, 58] | 11 |
Cronbach’s a = .87 rtt = .88 (8 weeks) |
r = .2 for BMI-SDS r = -?.7 for self-esteem r = -?.77 for HRQoL (weight), acceptable construct validity in CFA |
Adolescent (self) | |
Modified Weight Self Stigma Questionnaire (WSSQ) [59] | 13 | Modification of original scale to assess stigma by association | Cronbach’s a = .87 for original scale | r = -?.47 for HRQoL (weight) | Parent (self/child) |
Body Image Avatars [60, 61] | 3 | These ratings have never been used before, for similar 2D avatars, a sample with female adult participants found rtt = .88–.90 (5 weeks) | Rating corresponds with actual BMI: r = .89 |
Parent (child) Adolescent (self) |
Parenting Self-efficacy questionnaire Original title: Fragebogen zur Selbstwirksamkeit in der Erziehung (FSW) [62] |
9 | Cronbach’s a =.78/.79 | r = .63/.64 with parent behavior in risk situations | Parent (self) | |
Self-efficacy scale Original title: Skala zur Allgemeinen Selbstwirksamkeitserwartung (SWE) [63, 64] |
10 | Cronbach’s a =.78–.79 | n/a | Adolescent (self) | |
Perceived Stress Questionnaire-20 (PSQ-20) [65] | 20 | Worries, tension, joy, demands | Cronbach’s a =.80–.86 | r = -?.58 correlation with WHOQOL-Bref (global) | Parent (self) |
Systemic Clinical Outcome and Routine Evaluation-15 (SCORE-15) [66] | 15 | Cronbach’s a = .89 | Convergent validity shown by correlation with various measures |
Parent (self) Adolescent (self) |
Socioeconomic outcomes | |||||
Mannheimer Modul RV (MRV), adaptation for STARKIDS | 31 | n/a | n/a |
Parent (child) Adolescent (self) |
BMI-SDS BMI standard deviation score, CFA confirmatory factor analysis, EAT-13 Eating Attitudes Test – short version, HRQoL health-related quality of life, n/a not available, WHOQOL-Bref World Health Organization Quality of Life questionnaire, VO2max maximal oxygen consumption