Postoperative appearance of DORV with functional single ventricle after
extracardiac Fontan procedure in an 8-year-old girl. (A)
Coronal oblique maximum intensity projection (MIP) CT image shows the
superior and inferior connection of the conduit to the RPA and IVC,
respectively. The SVC is connected to the RPA. No evidence of any
conduit stenosis, calcification, or thrombosis is seen. (B)
Axial MIP CT image shows an extra-atrial conduit placed entirely outside
the right atrium. Ao = aorta, C = conduit, DORV = double-outlet right
ventricle, FSV = functional single ventricle, IVC = inferior vena cava,
LLPV = left lower pulmonary vein, LPA = left pulmonary artery, RAA =
right atrial appendage, RLPV = right lower pulmonary vein, RPA = right
pulmonary artery, SVC = superior vena cava.