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. 2022 Feb 5;69(5):e12890. doi: 10.1111/jeu.12890


Gene products associated with A/P patterning in Tetrahymena

Gene product Gene ID Early mutant phenotype Localization References
Elo1 (Lats kinase) TTHERM_00035550 Posterior shift of OP (elo11) Gradient decreasing from the posterior cell end Jiang et al. (2019a)
Con1 ? Posterior shift of the OP (con11) ? Doerder et al. (1975)
CdaI (Hippo/Mst kinase) TTHERM_00971920 Anterior shift of OP and FZ (cdaI‐1; cdaI‐3/39°C) Anterior half of dividing cell before FZ formation Jiang et al. (2017)
Mob1 (Mob adapter of Lats kinase) TTHERM_00716080 Anterior shift of OP and FZ (knockdown) Gradient decreasing from the posterior cell end Tavares et al. (2012)
CdaA (Cyc8; cyclin E domain protein) TTHERM_00332170 No FZ (cdaA‐1, cdaA‐4/39°C) Posterior half of dividing cell before FZ formation Jiang et al. (2020)
Sas4 TTHERM_00382220 Anterior shift of the FZ (knockout) Basal bodies Ruehle et al. (2020)
CdaH ? No FZ, anterior shift and partial degradation of OP (cdaH‐1/39°C), ? Frankel et al. (1980a), Frankel (2008)
CdaK ? Oblique FZ (cdaK‐1/39°C) ? Frankel (2008), Krzywicka et al. (1999)
PsmA ? OP spreads along the A/P axis (psmA‐3/39°C) ? Frankel et al. (1984)