The Properties of PCL powder. (A) SEM image and (B) size distribution of PCL powders; (C) DSC and TGA analysis of PCL powder. The endo- and exothermal heat flow of PCL powders was characterized by heating and cooling from 0°C to 200°C at the rate of 10°C/min. The weight ratio of PCL decomposition started from 0°C to 600°C at the rate of 10°C/min. The stable sintering region (SSR) is indicated from the onset of melting to the onset (1%) of decomposition. (D) Plot of the temperature-dependent specific heat capacity of PCL powders from 0°C to 200°C. (E) Linear fitting of heat capacity with temperature from melting initiation to the melting point. (F) Linear fitting of heat capacity with temperature from the melting point to the recrystallization temperature.