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. 2020 Sep 30;11(4):459–469. doi: 10.34172/ijhpm.2020.179

Table 4. Determinants of Selected Cancer Treatments: Multilevel Regression Results .

Immediate Breast Cancer Reconstruction Sentinel Node Lymph Biopsy
2005 2012 2005 2012
(1) (2) (1) (2) (1) (2) (1) (2)
Intercept 0.001*** 0.001*** 0.004*** 0.003*** 0.000*** 0.002*** 0.016*** 0.031***
Patient Variables
Age (ref ≥70):
≤50 22.851*** 22.287*** 12.541*** 12.416 1.001 0.996 0.827*** 0.824***
51-60 14.426*** 14.027*** 7.941*** 7.877** 1.113** 1.107** 0.995 0.993
61-70 6.883*** 6.740*** 4.255*** 4.212*** 1.209*** 1.206*** 1.151*** 1.149***
Charlson index (ref ≥2):
0 1.799*** 1.828*** 1.895*** 1.912*** 1.470*** 1.471*** 1.492*** 1.492***
1 1.250 1.270 1.273 1.278*** 1.283*** 1.290*** 1.402*** 1.404***
Carcinoma in situ (ref = yes):
No 0.318*** 0.323*** 0.373*** 0.377*** 3.380*** 3.387*** 3.781*** 3.785***
Total mastectomy with axillary node dissection (ref = yes):
No 3.438*** 3.421*** 5.924*** 5.930*** 5.888*** 5.894*** 7.279*** 7.286***
Chemotherapy (ref = yes):
No 2.773*** 2.768*** 2.259*** 2.246
Residence area income (ref = High >66%):
Low (<33%) 0.714*** 0.720*** 0.868* 0.869** 0.905** 0.908** 0.934** 0.934**
Medium (33-66%) 0.932 0.931 1.006 1.000 0.944 0.943 0.989 0.988
Hospital Variables
Breast cancer volume (ref ≥110):
≤20 0.309*** 0.198*** 0.052*** 0.130***
21-49 0.365*** 0.430*** 0.084*** 0.542***
50-109 0.580** 0.815*** 0.375*** 0.590***
Hospital type (ref = CH):
CHR 2.662** 2.643** 3.102** 1.709*
CLCC 4.019*** 3.034*** 17.184*** 2.563**
PL 1.498 2.565 1.374 0.763
PNL 2.382*** 2.641 0.717 0.889
Competition ref = Low (HHI >5000):
Medium (HHI: 3000-5000 3.068*** 1.994** 1.692** 1.127*** 3.815*** 1.534 2.529*** 1.779***
High (HHI <3000) 3.873*** 2.651*** 2.404*** 1.542 2.542*** 1.283 1.322* 0.949
N 15 166 15 166 16 707 16 707 54 904 54 904 62 250 62 250
ICC 0.495 0.490 0.292 0.312 0.723 0.670 0.440 0.405
MOR 5.511 5.412 3.038 3.187 16.158 11.664 4.643 4.150

Abbreviations: CH, public hospitalsCHR, regional teaching hospitals; CLCC, cancer centers; PL, private for profit; PNL, private non-profit; ICC, intra-class coefficient; MOR, median odds ratio.

* Significant at 10%; ** Significant at 5%; *** Significant at 1%.