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. 2022 Mar 25;39(7):e14831. doi: 10.1111/dme.14831


Sensitivity analyses results: rt‐CGM versus SMBG

Analysis Cost, AUD Quality‐adjusted life expectancy, QALYs ICER, AUD per QALY gained
rt‐CGM SMBG Difference rt‐CGM SMBG Difference
Base case 246,146 244,549 +21,597 9.362 8.163 +1.199 18,020
rt‐CGM utility benefit 0% 246,146 244,549 +21,597 8.556 8.163 +0.393 54,912
rt‐CGM utility benefit –50% 246,146 244,549 +21,597 8.959 8.163 +0.796 27,135
rt‐CGM utility benefit +50% 246,146 244,549 +21,597 9.764 8.163 +1.601 13,489
rt‐CGM HbA1c –30% 253,968 224,549 +29,419 9.278 8.163 +1.115 26,375
rt‐CGM HbA1c +30% 239,102 224,549 +14,553 9.431 8.163 +1.268 11,408
rt‐CGM SHE rate –50% 244,792 224,549 +20,242 9.369 8.163 +1.206 16,780
rt‐CGM SHE rate +50% 247,447 224,549 +22,898 9.344 8.163 +1.181 19,385
rt‐CGM NSHE rate –50% 246,146 224,549 +21,597 9.533 8.163 +1.370 15,760
rt‐CGM NSHE rate +50% 246,146 224,549 +21,597 9.309 8.163 +1.146 18,840
4 SMBG/day 246,146 224,075 +22,071 9.362 8.163 +1.199 18,416
5.2 SMBG/day 246,146 225,024 +21,122 9.362 8.163 +1.199 17,624
10 SMBG/day 246,146 228,819 +17,327 9.362 8.163 +1.199 14,458
QoL of T1D with no complications =0.672 246,146 244,549 +21,597 8.547 7.400 +1.148 18,821
Time horizon 2 years 21,802 17,092 +4,710 1.100 0.965 +0.135 34,810
Time horizon 5 years 49,907 39,247 +10,600 2.697 2.380 +0.317 33,640
Time horizon 10 years 93,032 75,597 +17,435 4.851 4.280 +0.571 30,562
Time horizon 25 years 188,716 166,258 +22,458 8.199 7.202 +0.998 22,510
Discount rate 3.5% 318,245 294,889 +23,356 11.384 9.896 +1.488 15,699
Discount rate 0% 675,215 648,377 +26,838 20.241 17.406 +2.836 9465

Abbreviations: AUD, Australian dollar; ICER, incremental cost‐effectiveness ratio; NSHE, non‐severe hypoglycaemic event; QALY, quality‐adjusted life year; QoL, quality of life; rt‐CGM, real‐time continuous glucose monitoring; SHE, severe hypoglycaemic event; SMBG, self‐monitoring of blood glucose; T1D, type 1 diabetes.