Figure 7. SELECT analysis of the WINTHER trial.
(A) Responders (CR, PR, and SD; red) show significantly higher SL-scores compared to non-responders (PD; green) (Wilcoxon rank- sum P<0.05). (B) SL-scores are predictive of response to the different treatments prescribed at the trial (AUC of R0C=0.72). The black circle denotes the point of maximal F1-score (corresponding to an SL-score threshold of 0.44). (C) Bar graphs show the predictive accuracy in terms of AUC (X-axis) of SL-based predictors and different controls (Y-axis) (control types are similar to those described in Figure 2C). (D) (top panel) Comparison of the SL-scores (Y-axis) of the treatments actually prescribed in the WINTHER trial (blue) and the SL-scores of the best therapy identified by our approach (red) across all 71 patients; samples are ordered by the difference in the two SL-scores. (bottom panel) A more detailed display of the SL-scores of the treatment given in the trial (bottom row) and of all candidate therapies (all other rows), for all 71 patients (the treatments considered are denoted in every column). Blue boxes denote the highest SL-scoring treatments predicted for each patient. Cancer types of each sample are color-coded at the bottom of the figure. (E-F) SELECT recommendations for two individual patients in the WINTHER trial. The X-axis denotes the SL-score and the Y-axis lists the different cohort treatments. The drugs given in WINTHER trial are colored in blue and the top prediction by SELECT are in red. (G) A bar graph showing the frequency (X-axis) of the drugs (Y-axis) predicted to be most effective across the WINTHER cohort. (H) The correlation between the estimated coverage of top-predicted drugs in the WINTHER cohort (Y-axis) and in a TEMPUS cohort of corresponding cancer types (n=98). See also Supplemental Figure 4-7, Supplemental Table 5.